Always Will Blog Tour and Giveaway
I received this book for free from Covenant in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Always Will
by Melanie JacobsonPublished by Covenant on October 5, 2015
Genres: Adult, Clean Romance, Contemporary
Pages: 256
Format: Paperback

Source: Covenant
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Handsome twenty-eight-year-old Will Hallerman has finally had enough of the dating world he s ready to find a wife and settle down. This announcement is catastrophic in Hannah Becker s world. After knowing Will her entire life and adoring him from afar since junior high school, she realizes her chance at love with him is in grave danger. Hannah' s problem? To Will, she will never be more than his best friend s little sister. Determined to open his eyes to her charms, Hannah sets out to sabotage Will s wife hunt by placing nightmare dates in his path and taking his search on a wild goose chase. Her plan is risky, but she s willing to take a chance to catch the eye of her soul mate.
Despite her crazy schemes, nothing seems to be working. Hannah can t help but wonder if it' s time to set aside this childhood crush to move on and settle down herself. She s ready for a fresh start with a great guy. If only Will weren' t suddenly changing the rules of the game . . . And how can Hannah move on when Will just won' t let her forget?

Always Will is a really cute contemporary read about two post college, career born friends who have known each other since childhood. Will was appointed to watch over Hannah after she and her brother lose their parents in a car accident. He takes his role very seriously and moves in right across the hall from his best friend’s little sister. There is lots of friendly banter, noogies, wrestling and shenanigans until Will announces he is ready to step up his game and get married. He’s on the look out for his perfect companion using algorithms and logic, as well as an online dating site. Hannah is panicked. Time to sabotage the game!
I enjoyed Will and Hannah’s dynamic, but the self-talk and dialogue about Hannah being fat got a little tedious. I also had trouble believing Hannah had a career in computer coding, as it didn’t seem to fit her character at all. The circumstances of the ending will take some suspension of disbelief. That being said, I read this one fast and furious. Always Will has a feel good vibe, a strong female and some laugh out loud moments. Melanie Jacobson is always a great choice for contemporary, clean romance.
About the Author
Melanie Bennett Jacobson is an avid reader, amateur cook, and champion shopper. She consumes astonishing amounts of chocolate, chick flicks, and books. After meeting her own husband on the Internet, she is now living happily married in Southern California with her growing family and a series of doomed potted herbs.