Scones and Sensibility Jewelry Giveaway

Today’s’ ETSY giveaway goes along with the book “Scones and Sensibility” by Lindsay Eland and is sponsored by shop owner Jeyam5…”I always loved any kind of art! Since I was little I always loved drawings and painting, when I grew up I began working with the computer and in the last 5 years I had a great success with graphic and web design and photo manipulations. 2 years ago I discovered a new passion: sewing! I sew clothes, dresses, corsets, bags and dolls. Last year I started working with my own fingers with the polymer clay.. This passion is still going on…
This is a great mix good enough to be tasted at every hour of the day!
And now you have them in all their cuteness with 0 calories!
Nice huh?
The Starfish (I changed the brand.. But you know what I mean 😉 ..) Strawberry Cream Frappuccino comes with a realistic whipped cream and strawberry syrup on top.
The realistic raspberry scone comes with a realistic texture, raspberry on both sides with syrup and a white icing on top.
Are you hungry? Yes, me too! 😛 They are complete with details and everybody will love them on your ears! Here’s a challenge for you: Try not to eat them! 😀
– The complete earrings are long about 4/5 cm – 1.6/2 in. (from the ear’s hole to the miniature’s bottom).
To Enter To Win: Leave your Name and Email Address below
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