I make my own Fragrance, commercially made fragrances can be very hard on sensitive skin. This is a light floral that is fresh and feminine. The top note is Jasmine followed by Lemon the bottom note is Rose.
I think they look best in white but I will do them in any color you like. I have done these for wedding favors.
They measure about 3×3. Two of them come with your order Gift Wrapped.
Each Wing is almost 2 oz each.

I guess I just wanted to create something unique and pretty.
It may just be soap you say…but beauty comes in all forms.
I am 50 something going on 20 something years old and living in Reno Nevada, I used to think I was a beach girl, but I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
I was raised in So Cal and I have the most wonderful son who still is in So Cal. He is the Pride and Joy of my life.
I have lots of family here in Reno who I consider not only family but my best friends.
As I continue to browse on Etsy I am overwhelmed by the talent I see. So much beauty in one place.
I consider my soap more of a gift. A very usable gift.
The sculptures are really fun and look amazing on a soap dish.
They always will come gift wrapped and are the perfect way to say Thank You to a Neighbor or Friend, Mom’s for sure.
You can be sure that my soap is completely free of harmful ingredients. Your Friend- Leslie – Avoir une journée agréable et un beau voyage.
She is gifting us soaps for Three winners! To enter:
Tell us who is your favorite angel and why +1
Leave us your email and name +1
Visit her etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/SatinandBirch
Heart her etsy shop +2
My favourite angel is Archangel Raphael as I need all the healing he can give me.
I favourited her etsy shop.
My favourite item is the Golden Honey Almond Soap as it’s so delicate-looking and intricate.
+1 I don’t have a favorite angle because I like them all in different ways
+1 Jennifer and email is in profile
+2 I like the Clowning Around Soap
+2 I hearted is shop (jkgorcery)
+2 My favorite at the angel gallery is the 49/365 by vanessa.paxton
+1 I think Patch is my favorite Angel 🙂 He’s so swoon worthy!
+1 Jennifer Howell jennlynn77@gmail.com
+2 I love the wedding dancing couple. The detail is amazing!
+2 I hearted her shop (JenHow)
+2 My favorite Angel is “He will send forth his Angels” I think that was the name. Love it.
Amazing contest! xoxo
My daughter is my angel 1
brenda helgeson
pksanddancer(at)yahoo(dot)com 1
the savon rose 2
Oh this is lovely!
+1 Besides Buffy’s Angel? Umm, I really like Lassiter from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series because he’s kind of unique.
+2 My favorite item is the Soap in Hearts and Butterfly’s
+2 I like the Angel Statue – Angel in the trees image.
My friends are my angels..sometimes I feel like they’re watching over me even if they’re not here. 1
May- musicxisxlovex19(at)aim(dot)com 1
my fav. item is the Soap in Butterflies and Hearts Papillon et Coeur. 2
I hearted the etsy shop! 2
my fav. one is the white angel
by • Juan Pablo Giusepponi 2
My aunt because she is always there for me.
I like the clowning around soap
My name and email can be found by clicking on my username
+1 My cousin died in 1996. He is my fav angel. My daughter shares his birthday, she was born in 2006.
+1 Alicia Milburn – pickle.06(at)hotmail(dot)com
+2 The Angel Wings Soap is my fav
+2 I heart her shop
+2 Letting Go is my fav! It took my breath away ♥
Cats on the Shelf
My Favorite is the Archangel Michael because he’s the head of the Army of God. +1
Jennifer B. catsontheshelf@gmail.com +1
I like the pink angel wings soap +2
I heart her shop! (CatsontheShelf)+2
My fav angel on your angel gallery is 4/365: Forever is a Long Time +2
total= +8
– I don´t think I can choose a favourite angel… I´m sorry about that!
– My favourite item are the amazing grapes soap +2
I Hearted her etsy shop +2
Visit our angel gallery and pick your fave +2 This is my favourite: http://www.flickr.com/photos/renesalvador/4332244310/
Total 7
Thanks!!! And double thanks for making this international!
+1 lejn05@yahoo.com (momtoem)
+1 My angel is my son Louis who I lost last year
+2 My favorite item is the soap rose
+2 I hearted her shop on etsy (momtoem)
+2 I like the Guardian Angel at the angel gallery
Heather Y
Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! 🙂
My favorite angel is the little angel locket my mom hung in my new apartment when I first moved out. She’s watched out for me for a few years now…
heather y
The Savon Rose is gorgeous!
+1 My favorite angel is my aunt Kaye, who died when I was only 2 years old. I can’t wait to meet her again one day.
+1 Marianna mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com
+2 Fave from her etsy shop is I Heart Soap in Turquoise
+2 Fave from the Angels gallery is He Will Send forth His Angels
+6 total
+1 Arcangel Gabriel because my middle name in named after him and he’s the first angel I knew about.
+2 this is my fave from her shop: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=40925772 the I heart soap! So cute and detailed! I can’t believe its soap! Very creative!
+2 my fave angel from your gallery is this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilovestrawberries/3570515472/ – One Winged Angel!
+1 Precious
My family are my angels! +1
Surge, timesurge(at)live.ca +1
I love these, theyre gorgeous: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=41565941 +2
I hearted her shop, my username is adrenaline09 +2
This is my fav: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zackahern/4082039178/ +2
Total: 8
My best angel is my little niece +1
Lyudmila, lusizova(at)gmail(dot)com +1
I pick the white angel +2
I like the A Happy Easter Soap +2
Angel is my mum. +1
Nikki,reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com +1
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=42138986 +2
http://www.flickr.com/photos/renesalvador/4332244310/ +2
Total 6
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=42348595 +2
http://www.flickr.com/photos/99996011@N00/426047108/ +2
Fave angel is Gabriel because I hope he looks over me, and my health.
Selene shiki6210 at gmail dot com +1
+6 total
Lovely soaps, by the way!! You do a remarkable job!!! Thanks for this great giveaway!!
Tell us who is your favorite angel and why +1:
Patch from Hush Hush, because he is protective and attractive
Leave us your email and name +1: tammyweisensel@yahoo.com Tammy
Visit her etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/SatinandBirch
and tell us your favorite item +2: I love all of the items, but I think I like the rose shaped soaps the best, particularly this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=42139507
Heart her etsy shop +2: Done
Visit our angel gallery and pick your fave +2 http://www.flickr.com/photos/lauraburlton/2841127273/
I like Jophiel, Angel of Enlightenment who inpires enlightment. JD