Saturday was the huge Authorpalooza event at Barnes and Noble for over 40 Utah authors. What a blast…treats, book signings and readings. My kiddos thought it was Halloween with all the cupcakes, candy and freebies! Special thanks to Kristyn Crow and Sharlee Glenn for reading to them. Here’s a list of the authors we got to meet:
Jessica Day George –Princess of Glass
Becky Hall–Morris and Buddy
Heather Justesen– Rebound -Read our review of Rebound here
Sheralyn Pratt –Rhea Jensen Series -Read our interview with Sheralyn here
Dene Low– Petronella Saves Nearly Everyone -YA Historical fiction
Kristen Landon– The Limit -YA Dystopian
Nancy J. Miles–In Good Taste -Family History Cookbook
Steve Gashler– The Bent Sword
GG Vandagriff–Pieces of Paris -NEW Fiction
Rachael Renee Anderson– Luck of the Draw
Frank L.Cole –Hashbrown Winters – See our author spotlight here
Heather Horrocks –How To Stuff a Wild Zucchini -See our book review here
Sydney Salter –Swoon At Your Own Risk – YA Fiction…currently reading now!
Lisa Mangum– The Hourglass Door- See our reviews for books one and two in her series
Marilyn Bunderson– The Mark -see our review here and book based photo gallery here
Dragon Lance The New Adventures
Chef Shawn Bucher –The First timer’s Cookbook
Sterling B. Nixon– The Sea Kings of Rome
Berin Stephens –The Dragon War relic
Alan Bellows– Damn Interesting
Terri Ferran –Having Hope
Dan Wells Mr. Monster
Aubrey Mace -My Fairy Grandmother- see our book review here and author interview here
Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen –Trapped-see our book spotlight here and author interview here
Brandon Sanderson –Wheel of Time
Alicia Buck– Flecks of Gold- YA fiction, currently reading
Camille Funk–Cooking for One
Emily Wing Smith–The Way He Lived-Contemporary YA fiction- see our book review here
Jillayne Clements –The Diet Rebel’s Cookbook & Deadly Treasure
John Brown–Servant of a Dark God
Kristen Chandler–Wolves, Boys and Other Things that Might Kill Me- YA fiction- bought this book, review coming soon
Kristyn Crow –Cool Daddy Rat-see our author interview here
Mettie Ivie Harrison– The Princess and the Bear
Nathan Hale –Rapunzel’s Revenge–see their launch party coverage here
Nichole Giles –The Sharp Edge of a Knife-see our review here
Sharlee Glenn –Just What Mama Needs
Stephen Gashler–The Bent Sword
Wendy Paul–101 Gourmet Cupcakes

We are giving away author signed bookmarks. To enter to win: simply comment below with the book or author which interests you most. Contest Ends October 20, 2010 and is open internationally.