Trailer Thursday-ECLIPSE by Stephenie Meyer
Today’s trailer is Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. Guess it’s time for me to finally go see New Moon eh?! #FAIL What kind of a TwilightMOM am I?
Today’s trailer is Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. Guess it’s time for me to finally go see New Moon eh?! #FAIL What kind of a TwilightMOM am I?
Here is how to enter:
+1 for leaving a comment below
+3 for following us on Twitter @FireIcePhotos
+3 for becoming a fan on Facebook at Fire and Ice (this also enters you to win a free item of your choice from the Etsy store)
+3 for old blog followers
+2 for new blog followers
+5 for a blog post on your site, send us the link
+3 for any photos submitted of us or you with our CD
+2 for a retweet on Twitter
+3 for commenting on one of our You Tube Videos (links are in the post below)
+10 for making us a music video. We have one unreleased song as well, email us if you want it
+5 for adding us as a friend on MySpace
+5 for making us a new blog button with script
+2 for a suggestion on how to get us back on tour with Twilight conventions and events!
+1 for leaving us your favorite quote from Eclipse
Total your points and leave them below
Good Luck! Contest ends January 15th, 2010 and is open to International entries.
We are happy to announce that our CDs and buttons are now available for sale online. Put a Cullen under your tree! Purchase them from Heather’s etsy shop and 10%goes directly to autism treatment! hear a sneak peek on our myspace page at or
see Alice on YouTube at
Daniel/ Edward and Mike/ Jacob are flying in here in a couple of days and we are ready! Check out booth at the Southowne Expo Cetner in Salt Lake City, Utah. Photo ops, prints, CDs, jewelry, a baby grande piano, journals, songs, autographs and entertainment.
We cannot wait! Here is the extended trailer shown at the MTV VMA’s last night. Come November Fire and Ice will be at the midnight showing in Salt Lake City. Hit pause on our music player before viewing for better sound.
One of our awesome fans from Twi Tour New Jersey sent us this video clip of our Edward playing at the Vampire Ball. We loved all the camera flashes going off in the background…
Thanks numbfairy!!!