Twilight Thursday Giveaway

31 Dec, 2009 by in fire and ice, free stuff, giveaway, new moon, reelz channel, twilight moms, volvo, Webook Apparel 52 comments

Happy Twilight Thursday! We are in need of some followers, friends, feedback or a music video. So I am reaching into my personal Twilight swag stash from TwiCon, TwiTour and the New Moon Event and offering some goodies to you! Here’s the SWEET package.

  • A Twilight reusable shopping bag with handles
  • Handmade 200 page apple journal
  • A lampwork glass apple charm necklace
  • “Nessie” body lotion from Essence of Twilight
  • A Fire and Ice button
  • An Eternal Conflict CD and
  • A Reelz Channel Team Twilight T-Shirt

Here is how to enter:

+1 for leaving a comment below

+3 for following us on Twitter @FireIcePhotos

+3 for becoming a fan on Facebook at Fire and Ice (this also enters you to win a free item of your choice from the Etsy store)

+3 for old blog followers

+2 for new blog followers

+5 for a blog post on your site, send us the link

+3 for any photos submitted of us or you with our CD

+2 for a retweet on Twitter

+3 for commenting on one of our You Tube Videos (links are in the post below)

+10 for making us a music video. We have one unreleased song as well, email us if you want it

+5 for adding us as a friend on MySpace

+5 for making us a new blog button with script

+2 for a suggestion on how to get us back on tour with Twilight conventions and events!

+1 for leaving us your favorite quote from Eclipse

Total your points and leave them below

Good Luck! Contest ends January 15th, 2010 and is open to International entries.

52 Responses to “Twilight Thursday Giveaway”

  1. Obsidian Ink

    Awesome contest! I’d love a chance to win πŸ™‚

    +1 leaving a comment
    +3 follower of Twitter ( @ObsidianInk )
    +3 fan on Facebook ( Emily Boyd )
    +3 for old blog followers
    +2 for a retweet on Twitter
    +5 friend on MySpace ( Emily Boyd )

    So that 17 points πŸ™‚ Awesome!

  2. Aye.Me?

    +1 comment
    +3 following on Twiter (@aye_meeee)
    +3 Old blog follower
    +2 retweet on Twitter
    Your myspace link isn’t working so I can’t follow there πŸ™
    +1 Eclipse quote: Emmett: Fall down again, Bella? page 342


    TOTAL= 10

  3. Aik

    Great giveaway! I’d love to enter!

    +3 for following on Twitter @aikchien

    +3 for becoming a fan on Facebook at Fire and Ice (Aik Chien)

    +3 for old blog followers

    +5 for making a blog post

    +2 for a retweet on Twitter

    +3 I left a comment on “Bella’s Waltz” under the username CallMeYukiko.

    +1 My favorite quote from Eclipse:
    “I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you. Not if I live a hundred thousand years.” —
    Edward Cullen

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  4. austenfan

    +1 Great giveaway! I’m a big Twilight fan. πŸ™‚
    +3 following you on Twitter (@austenfanblogs)
    +3 became a fan on Facebook (Issa M.)
    +2 new blog follower
    +1 my favorite quote from Eclipse:
    “I promise to love you forever – every single day of forever. Will you marry me?” – Edward Cullen

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  5. Kym

    +1 leaving a comment
    +3 follower of Twitter ( @umeplusone )
    +3 fan on Facebook ( kym teale )
    +2 for new blog followers


  6. YA Vampire Books

    Nice pizes! Please enter me πŸ™‚

    +1 for leaving a comment below

    +3/+2 for blog followers – I’ve been a follower for a couple of weeks so I’m not sure if that counts as a new or old follower? πŸ˜›


  7. cynthial11

    +1 comment
    +3 following on twitter
    +3 fan on FB
    +3 following blog
    +2 for retweet (@cynthial11)
    +1 “You can have me the way I am β€” bad behavior included β€” or not at all”- Jacob
    total= 13

  8. Ruby GeorgAnn :)

    +1 for leaving a comment below
    +3 for following us on Twitter @FireIcePhotos
    +2 for new blog followers
    +5 for a blog post on your site, send us the link
    +2 for a retweet on Twitter
    +1 for leaving us your favorite quote from Eclipse

    “If it hurts you so much, how can it possibly be the right thing for you?” – Edward Cullen

    Twitter @rubybalsano

  9. trixietraci

    +1 for leaving a comment
    +3 for being a fan on Facebook (you know who I am there, lol)
    +3 for following on Twitter (@trixietraci)
    +2 for new blog follower
    +2 for a retweet on Twitter
    +1 for leaving my fave Eclipse quote:
    “I promise to love you forever — every single day of forever. Will you marry me?”

    Total so far: 12
    I tried to friend you on MySpace, but I can’t find the ‘add friend’ button on your page. Idk if it’s b/c I’m using Firefox & maybe the screen is messed up, or what. πŸ™ I’ll get back to you if I can figure it out. lol

  10. Kris

    ok …

    +1 I left the first comment πŸ™‚

    +3 for twitter @KrisLovesBooks

    +3 for Facebook Kristina

    +3 for old follower

    So that’s 10 points total πŸ™‚

  11. rem

    great contest!!!

    +1 for leaving a comment
    +3 for following us on Twitter (@rem_pdg)
    +2 for new blog followers (rem)
    +2 tweeted:
    +1 quote from Eclipse: If it hurts you so much, how can it possibly be the right thing for you?

    total= 9



  12. Amber Young

    So excited. Love Twilight!

    + 1 for leaving a comment
    + 3 for Becoming a Facebook Fan (Amber Y)
    + 2 New Follower
    + 1 for favourite quote – “Hey, it’s the least I can do β€” I offered eternal servitude, remember. I’m your slave for life” (off the top of my head it’s that one anyways… <3 Jacob)

  13. Dovile

    +1 commenting:) Thanks for making this international!

    +2 new follower

    +2 To get back on track with Twilight conventions and events, visit this site:

    +1 My favorite Eclipse quote is: ‘I promise to love you forever β€” every single day of forever.’ (Edward to Bella, p. 460)

    Total: 4 points

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  14. june_spirit2628

    +1 Great giveaway–I’d love to win!

    +3 for old blog followers

    +1 fav quote: I promise to love you forever, every single day of forever. Will you marry me?

    june_spirit2628 at

  15. june_spirit2628

    +3 for becoming a fan on Facebook at Fire and Ice

    june_spirit2628 at


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