Author: Celeste Shally
Perfect Paperback: 32 pages
Release date: September 1, 2007
Awaken Specialty Press
ISBN: 0979471303 From School Library Journal
5 Stars
PreSchool-Grade 2
Product Description
Children with autism struggle to make friends and navigate social situations. However, one child can make a significant difference in the life of a child with autism by offering compassion, understanding and friendship.
Since We re Friends is about two boys. One has autism, the other does not. The story of their relationship provides practical examples of how to make such a friendship work. It will help children see that their peers with autism can make a fun, genuine contribution to friendship.
From the publisher:
The prevalence of autism has skyrocketed in recent years. One in every 150 children is now living with this pervasive developmental disorder. The handful of autism children’s books on the market represents the most severe cases of autism. However, most children with autism are much less severe. These misunderstood children struggle in social situations and have difficulty making friends. Since We re Friends will appeal to family members, friends, teachers, therapists, doctors, neighbors, and anyone who seeks to know and understand more about children with autism.
I purchased this book a few years ago when our second child was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. I wanted to be able to explain to him and his sister (also diagnosed with ASD) what makes them special. And I serched for hands on tools to teach them how to be compassionate towards each other and their friends. I think books are a great conduit to help young ones understand behaviors that are hard to explain. My son absolutely adores this book and we read it together often. It helps him to see that he is not the only one who struggles with social situations and transitions. His best friend has been by his side since pre-school and both boys have special needs. Seeing interactions in the book and illustrations helps my son, be a better buddy. I like that “Since We’re Friends teaches accepting one another and offering support. I would recommend it to all parents since Autism is on the rise and often misunderstood. 5 stars from this momma!