Twilight Thursday Giveaway
- An “I love Spunk button” from We Book Apparel
- A limited edition Edward with Volvo poster from Ken Garff Volvo made for the New Moon Event by Events by Alice and Twilight MOMS
- A Twilight reusable shopping bag with handles
- Handmade 200 page apple journal
- A lampwork glass apple charm necklace
- “Nessie” body lotion from Essence of Twilight
- A Fire and Ice button
- An Eternal Conflict CD and
- A Reelz Channel Team Twilight T-Shirt
Here is how to enter:
+1 for leaving a comment below
+3 for following us on Twitter @FireIcePhotos
+3 for becoming a fan on Facebook at Fire and Ice (this also enters you to win a free item of your choice from the Etsy store)
+3 for old blog followers
+2 for new blog followers
+5 for a blog post on your site, send us the link
+3 for any photos submitted of us or you with our CD
+2 for a retweet on Twitter
+3 for commenting on one of our You Tube Videos (links are in the post below)
+10 for making us a music video. We have one unreleased song as well, email us if you want it
+5 for adding us as a friend on MySpace
+5 for making us a new blog button with script
+2 for a suggestion on how to get us back on tour with Twilight conventions and events!
+1 for leaving us your favorite quote from Eclipse
Total your points and leave them below
Good Luck! Contest ends January 15th, 2010 and is open to International entries.