Posts Categorized: piano

Bella’s Waltz

31 Dec, 2009 by in fire and ice, michael martinez, New Jersey TwiTour, piano, Twi Con, twilight music Leave a comment

Our own Daniel Jackson of Fire and Ice has been working on a waltz piece for the Utah Ballroom Dancers. It is an adaptation of Bella’s Waltz from the Movie Twilight. Daniel is a super talented pianist and composer. Here is his newest piano version!

Let us know what you think of all of our music. Check it out on our MySpace page at The CD is available for sale on the right sidebar and 10% of all album proceeds go to Autism Treatment.

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Recent Media Coverage of Fire and Ice which includes Michael Martinez as Jacob, Daniel Jackson as Edward and Heather Gardner, Esme & Alice:

Fire and Ice performed live at the Official Twilight Convention in Parsipanny, New Jersey and the New Moon Event in Salt Lake City, Utah. Our hope is to earn enough money from CD sales or receive an endorsement for EyeCon to continue touring and making guest appearances.
Recently Daniel was interviewed by Twilight MOMS for a feature piece we are anxiously awaiting to see 🙂 We will be releasing another version of his song “Edward” later this week, so stay tuned and if you are interested in making a music video for us shoot over an email or DM!