Posts Tagged: kings english
Interview with The Edge of Nowhere Author Elizabeth George
This compelling coming-of-age story, the first of an ongoing sequence of books set on Whidbey Island, has elements of mystery, the paranormal, and romance. Elizabeth George, bestselling author of the Inspector Lynley crime novels, brings her elegant style, intricate plotting, incisive characterization, and top-notch storytelling to her first book for teens.
Brodi Ashton Everneath Book Launch and Swag Giveaway
Everneath is the first in a trilogy published by Balzer and Bray, the title a combination of forever and underneath, suggested by Brodi’s critique partner and YA author Bree Despain. It features protagonist, Nikki who is quiet and broken after having made a decision which affects the next 100 years. Revisions on book two are currently in the works and must be submitted soon, it will be released in January 2013.
Present at the event were local authors Sara Zarr, Elana Johnson, Nichole Giles, Natalie Whipple, Matthew Kirby, Bree Despain, Emily Wing Smith, Heather B Moore and Angela Corbett. Book bloggers included Fire and Ice, Amy O of Eve’s Fan Garden, NewUTMommy, SLC Bookworm, Erin Olds, Catie S, Maw Books, EmsReadingRoom, CranberryFries, Toomuchaubrey, BooksATrueStory and SueySays. It was fun for me because also there were many members of Brodi and my junior high and high school classes as well as her immediate family.
Cinder Event Recap and Swag Giveaway
And if by chance you missed the event last night…no worries you can head to Provo Library tonight at 7 PM for another chance to see Marissa Meyer!
Angela Corbett Eternal Starling Launch Party
Giveaway- In celebration I am giving away three author signed Eternal Starling bookmarks and an awesome signed bookplate from a package of goodies Angela sent those of us on her blog tour. To enter to win simply comment below. Open internationally. Giveaway ends December 28, 2011.
Author Kiersten White Coming To Utah
We are excited to announce that YA author Kiersten White will be in Utah next week as part of her Supernaturally Tour. Her first stop is
Tuesday, August 2nd
Provo City Library
at 6:00 pm
Celebrate the release of New York Times bestselling author KIERSTEN WHITE’S newest novel, SUPERNATURALLY!
A limited number of free event tickets will be available to the general public starting on Saturday, July 23 at the Adult Services reference desk.
Tickets will be distributed to all interested patrons, regardless of cardholder status.Questions? Call Courtney at 801-852-7685.
And her second stop is scheduled for The King’s English
Aug 6th 2011 at 2:00 pm1511 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City,
Kiersten White will read and sign Supernaturally, the second volume in her debut trilogy for young adult readers.
In Supernaturally, a lot has changed in the six months since Evie escaped from the International Paranormal Containment Agency with her shape-shifter boyfriend, Lend. Evie’s not-so-normal past keeps creeping up on her and things get pretty complicated…
Kiersten White is the New York Times bestselling author of Paranormalcy. Born and raised in Utah, White graduated from BYU. She has one tall husband and two small children and lives near the ocean, where her life is perfectly normal. This abundance of normal led her to a fascination with all things paranormal, including but not limited to vampires, faeries, and pop culture.
Hope to see you there!
Ally Carter Uncommon Criminals Event
Saturday June 25th I attended the Ally Carter signing and pre-event with several other Utah book bloggers at The King’s English book shop. We had a chance to sit down and ask Ally some exclusive questions. Here’s what we found out:
-The Heist Society books are episodic in nature and as of right now there’s no set number to the series
-Hale’s name comes from a name Ally saw at a museum on temple square during a visit to Utah she made with her employer. She wanted a last name that could also be used as a first name.
-Ally first heard about the Nazis stealing art on an episode of West Wing. She has since researched Holocaust art which is a common theme in her series. She recommends the documentary “The Rape of Europa” and book “The Monuments Men” to learn more
-Ally’s book feature a strong female protagonist and several external conflicts
-Her favorite authors in YA include Sara Zarr, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, ELockhart, Sara Rees Brennan and Holly Black
-The fifth book in the Gallagher Girls series is coming out soon with six planned so far.
-Ally previously wrote two adult titles, the first being called Cheating at Solitaire.
Fire and Ice would like to thank Courtney Lowe from the Provo Library and Disney Hyperion for the cool Uncommon Criminals sunglasses as well as he opportunity to meet Ally personally. Also, Emily from Emily’s Reading Room for organizing all of us bloggers and King’s English for hosting the event. In attendance were book bloggers Heather Zundel, Jennifer K Jovus from My Life With Books, Catie Skola from Book Bound, Mindy and Shanda from LDSWBR, Emily from EmsReadingRoom, Heather from Fire and Ice and the Friendly Reader. We are currently giving away and audio version of Uncommon Criminals which we had signed on Saturday, so check our right sidebar to enter!
Photography Friday- Emily Wing Smith Release Party
YA contemp author Emily Wing Smith unveiled her second book Back When You Were Easier to Love last night at The King’s English book shoppe. I have to say she is one of the most genuinely nice people I have ever met and her speech left me a little emotional. She spoke of determination, acceptance, finding who you are and spending time with the things that bring you the most joy. Which, by the way is the name of her latest protagonist. After having us laughing with her stories of writing on random bits of paper and obsessive teenage love, she broke out into song with the “Barely Manilows”, also known as “the six”–a group comprised of her critique partners and other YA authors including Brodi Ashton-Everneath and Bree Despain-The Dark Divine, Kimberly Webb Reid, Sara Bolton, and Valynn Nagamatsu. Among the crowd of supporters were local writers James Dashner, Sara Zarr, Kris Chandler, and Matthew Kirby.
What a pleasure it is to know Emily. She is truly an inspiration! Check out her blog at be sure to pick up Back When You Were Easier To Love.
All photos copyright Heather Gardner Photography.
MATCHED Release Party at Kings English
MATCHED is a trilogy with the second book CROSSED to be released November 1, 2011. The inspiration for her book came from time spent as a High School English teacher chaperoning proms as well as her experience as a sorority mother in Ithaca, New York.
Leeann Whiffen, co-founder of the Utah Autism Coalition and author of A Child’s Journey Out of Autism with Ally
Me getting my stack of books signed
The release party jam packed with people who came out to support MATCHED. Here are some of the people present (and these are only the ones I recognized…) loads of talent in one room!
Authors present:
Sheralyn Pratt
Nichole Giles
Brodi Ashton
Emily Wing Smith
Bree Despain
Kris Chandler
Leeann Whiffen
Elana Johnson
Wendy Aphayrath
Ali Cross
L.T. Elliott
Carolyn Vawdery
Jenn Wilks
Shannon Hale
Sara B Larson
Olivia Carter
Lauren Marie
Maw Books
Catie S Book Bound
Twilight Moms/ Eve’s Fan Garden
Lisa Hansen
Amy O
Special thanks to author Sheralyn Pratt for saving me a seat and author Leeann Whiffen for taking my photos. It was so fun to see everyone again.
You may also view The Kings English bookshop photo gallery of the MATCHED release party on Facebook here. Or, read our MATCHED review here . Also, feel free to enter our signed ARC giveaway from Provo Library. If you are in Utah, stop by her next release party tomorrow night, December 7th, at 7 PM hosted by the Provo Library at Academy Square.
Beautiful Darkness Signing at King’s English
Brodi Ashton, author or the upcoming Ever’neath series mediated the Q&A speed round where questions were taken by blog TV participants online as well as live participants. In the audienc fieilding questions was Bree Despain, author of The Dark Divine.
Fellow Utah Book Bloggers Emily’s Reading Room were there with their Literati group.
I got to see some of my fun and favorite TwilightMOMS
Lisa- founder of Twilight MOMS, me, Jenny and Tara
Here’s where you all come in…