Last night was the CINDER event for author Marissa Meyer at The King’s English bookshop in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her first announcement to the crowd was the Cinder just hit the NYT bestsellers list at number 10. Congrats Marissa!
She then told us a little bit about the history behind the story which stems from her fascination with the anime series Sailor Moon. Marissa wrote fan fiction based on Sailor Moon for ten years before launching into her Cinder series which she wrote partially in one month during NanoWrimo. Cinder: Book One in the Lunar Chronicles
is set in futuristic Beijing, China. In this world, Asia is all one country also inhabited by Lunas which look like humans. Book two, Scarlet, will be set in France, book three, titled Cress in the Sahara Desert and book four, Winter, in the Lunars. The Lunar Chronicles are all going to be based on fairy tales. Cinder– Cinderella, Scarlet-Little Red Riding Hood, Cress-Rapunzel, and Winter-Snow White.
After Q&A Marissa signed books for us and others in attendance. Spotted at the event were Brodi Ashton, author of Everneath, Bree Despain author of The Dark Divine Series, writers Valynne E. Maetani, The Luckiest Clover and Helen Kiaya Pemberton, Jessica from Books: A True Story and Carrie from Stalking the Bookshelves.
I posted my full photo album with descriptions on the Facebook pages for Heather Gardner Photography, Fire and Ice, on smug mug and twitter.
And if by chance you missed the event last night…no worries you can head to Provo Library tonight at 7 PM for another chance to see Marissa Meyer!
We are giving away an author signed CINDER postcard to one of our readers. Simply comment below to enter. Open internationally. Ends January 26, 2012.
It looks like an awesome time! 🙂
Randi M
randi.wedekind (at)
Carina Olsen
Omg! I want want want want want that postcard. <3 So pretty. I loved Cinder so much :) Wish I could have been at that tour :D But oh, Norway is way too far away :p
Love, Carina ~
That is awesome! Thanks for the giveaway 😀
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Giada M.
Cinder sounds really interesting. Thank you this giveaway! 😀
Giada M.
fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com
This book is on top of my to-buy list 😀
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Lisa Nguyen
I want anything related to Cinder! 😀
This is incredible! I loved Cinder and would so so love to have this! Thanks for an amazing giveaway.
thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com
Gisele Alv
YES! I would love to win this postcard!
Ana Death Duarte
I’m dyin’to read Cinder! Me wants it, me needs it!
thanks for this giveaway
I would love to win this giveaway 😀 ^^
e-mail: alonsolizzard (at) gmail (dot) com
twitter: eusouoLoki
Wish I could’ve been there!
Findjessyhere at gmail dot com
ale84.vercelli at hotmail dot it
Wow… I’d love to win!
angela1997 at live dot nl
it looks pretty cool
ooh. count me in! thanks for the giveaway. 🙂
-Len of Musings of a Reader Happy
Malak Ismail
Thank you for the giveaway!!
Livresetbiscuits (at) gmail (dot) com
Cass (Words on Paper)
Wow thanks for the giveaway! I absolutely loved Cinder. 😉
cc932005 at hotmail dot com
i LOVE this book and i would love to win a postcard! authors never seem to make it down near alabama 🙁 thanks for the giveaway!
It looks great. Thanks for the giveaway.
cjmfnobrega AT gmail DOT com