Posts Tagged: bree despain

Dreaming of Books Giveaway Hop

14 Jan, 2011 by in the lost saint 22 comments

Fire and Ice is proud to be a stop in the Dreaming of Books Giveaway Hop
Hosted by Reviews by Martha’s Bookshelf
& I Am A Reader, Not A Writer

What is a giveaway hop?
Simple – Each participating blog hosts a giveaway and then we link up together allowing our followers to hop easily from one giveaway to another.

We are giving away one author signed Advanced Reading copy (ARC) of The Lost Saint by Bree Despain.

To enter to win click here and fill out the form. Our giveaway is open internationally. One winner will be drawn Monday January 17th at midnight and announced January 18th.

Be sure to visit all the blogs on the blog hop linky list for a chance to win lots more prizes! Good luck.

The Lost Saint Launch Party

29 Dec, 2010 by in the king's english, the lost saint 6 comments

Stacks of The Lost Saint ready for check out at King’s English

Bree reading to the audience

Bloggers Cranberry Fries, JenniElyse and Catie S

Answering audience questions

Me with local authors Nichole Giles, Windy Aphayrath and Elana Johnson

Bree siging our ARCs

Copies of The Dark Divine, the first in her trilogy

Me with Brittany, two TwilightMOMS

Last night author Bree Despain and The King’s English bookstore kicked off The Lost Saint with questions and answers, book signings and blue iced sugar cookies. I have to day Bree’s covers are some of my very favorites.

The theme of her launch speech was “sequels are hard.” She spent four years working on The Dark Divine and originally it was written as a tragedy with no ending for a second book. She had only four moths to write the second in the trilogy. The front cover of The Dark Divine was originally something completely different with a girl’s face silhouetted with a moon. Her editor spent three days looking for a new image after no one liked the first cover. The photo for the covers was taken by an Argentine photographer who is up and coming in modern photography. There were only three photos in the series and the third is not usable. So, a new set will be taken for cover three. Bree is hoping the theme for book four will be emerald green.

Bree uses music and writing classes to inspire her book which are currently optioned or a movie. As well, fellow YA writer Sara Zarr was instrumental in supporting her during the process of book two along with her husband and critique group. (who were on hand with TLS blue streaks in their hair)

Here’s some footage of Bree’s speech from my jumpy phone hands

Also, we picked up two bottles of The Lost Saint blue nail polish and some bookmarks to give away to our readers. The nail polish is open to US addresses only as it cannot be shipped outside the United States. The bookmarks are up for grabs internationally. To enter to win fill out this form. Giveway ends January 4, 2011.

The Lost Saint Giveaway

22 Nov, 2010 by in book giveaway, nail polish, the Dark Divine, the lost saint 16 comments

The countdown is on for Bree Despain’s book 2 in The Dark Divine series…The Lost Saint. It is set to be released December 28, 2010 by Egmont USA. So, we are giving it away to a few of our lucky readers!

One winner will receive a signed hardback copy of The Dark Divine, an ARC of The Lost Saint plus a bottle of TLS nail polish.

The second prize winner will receive an ARC of the Lost Saint and one bottle of blue TLS nail polish.

See our review of The Dark Divine here

Our review of The Lost Saint here

and our TDD inspired Etsy shop here.

Enter to win the giveaway by filling out the form below.
Contest ends December 28, 2010 and is open internationally.


Thanks so much to Egmont for sending us the giveaway swag. The countdown is on!

Provo City Library Teen Book Fest Giveaway

06 Nov, 2010 by in Nathan Hale, provo teen fest, sara zarr, scott westerfeld, sydney salter, wendy toliver 76 comments

Earlier this week I went out to my mailbox and there was this amazing package from Courtney Lowe at the Provo City Library. I had asked her for a couple of left over bookmarks from their Teen BookFest and she sent all of this….a new Children’s Book, “Los Gatos Black on Halloween” by from their upcoming guest speaker at the Children’s book fest in May Marisa Montes“, Scott Westerfeld’s “Bogus To Bubbly” plus all the items in the pack we are giving away below.
Seriously cried when I opened it. Could they be any more kind over there? It’s a good thing they are putting on another Teen Book Fest in 2011.
So here’s what we are giving away right now:
1) An ARC of The Lost Saint by Bree Despain
2) favorite reads bookmarks from authors:
Sara Zarr
Wendy Toliver
Nathan Hale
Sydney Salter
Ann Dee Ellis
Lisa Mangum
and 3) a Scott Westerfield PCL Teen book fest bracelet
to one lucky winner.
The rest of the bookmarks we will give away on Twitter and Facebook this week, watch our feeds!

To Enter to win…
+1 leave a comment below
additional entries
+1 entry for visiting the PCL page
+1 for liking PCL on Facebook
+1 for our blog followers
+1 for each one of us you follow on twitter @ProvoLibrary, @FireIcePhotos, @MrNathanHale
(leave your twitter name)
+1 for tweeting or posting this giveaway, leave the link
Total your entries and leave them below.
Good Luck! Contest ends December 6, 2010 and is open internationally

The Lost Saint by Bree Despain

25 Sep, 2010 by in the lost saint 34 comments

Hardcover, 384 pages
To Be Published
December 28th 2010
by EgmontUSA
ISBN 1606840584
series The Dark Divine #2

*contains spoilers for those who have never read The Dark Divine*

Grace Divine made the ultimate sacrifice to cure Daniel Kalbi. She was infected with the werewolf curse while trying to save him, and lost her beloved brother in the process. When Grace receives a haunting phone call from Jude, she knows what she must do. She must become a Hound of Heaven. Desperate to find Jude, Grace befriends Talbot—a newcomer to town who promises her that he can help her be a hero. But as the two grow closer, the wolf grows in Grace, and her relationship with Daniel is put in danger—in more ways than one. Unaware of the dark path she is walking, Grace begins to give into the wolf inside of her—not realizing that an enemy has returned and a deadly trap is about to be sprung.

Last year I read the Dark Divine and was introduced into the world of Bree Despain which inspired me to create a ton of jewelry, make 10 blog posts and follow her around to several signings to learn more. I dare say I fell in love with the music playlist, the amazing cover and Daniel. This year we saw the ARC for The Lost Saint up for auction at the Writing for Charity event and yearned to read number two in the series. So, I have to thank Jennie B and EgmontUSA for sending the uncorrected bound proof. You guys rock!

The Lost Saint picks up as Grace has just lost her brother Jude since he bit her and infected her with the curse of the wolf. Grace’s mom is in a deep depression and the household is in chaos as her dad is scouring the country for signs of Jude. He hopes to bring their Prodigal Son back home to the fold. Their town Rose Crest is steeping with a rash of crime with no evidence of who could have created such destruction other than the old Markham Street Monster. The first few chapters things are beautiful between them. I fell in love with their chemistry in The Dark Divine. But soon things start to grow a little complicated. Here’s where I should say that I am not a patient reader so sequels are sometimes harder for me to read. (I was not much a fan of New Moon in the Twilight series) Transition and change are rocky. The Lost Saint also felt a titch darker in parts than The Dark Divine as Grace is battling her choices. You’ll see a whole new side to everyone you are familiar with.

My favorite part of the book…loads of new characters! Grace meets the new hot man in flannel, Talbot. You will love him. Majorly swoon worthy and a hunk of man. He is my favorite new character of the series. The fun part as well, characters you may recognize! That’s right… bloggers make cameo appearances in the book. Super cool. Katie Summers (KatieB) from Mundie Moms, blogger Debbie CranberryFries and Stacey C from PageTurners Blog all are in there. As well, there are lots of other names I didn’t personally recognize, but many of you may be able to pick them out. We can’t give away much more because this is an action packed novel and we have to save you all from spoilers. I dare say followers of Bree won’t be disappointed.

Congrats to the author on her movie deal for the Dark Divine! That is super exciting news and she deserves it. To learn more about Bree Despain visit her website. See our review for the Dark Divine here and read a teaser from the Lost Saint here
Comment below for a chance to win one item of your choice from the Bree Despain or Wolf collections on Etsy. Let us know what you’d like to win! Giveaway ends October 24, 2010 and is open internationally.

Teaser Tuesday-The Lost Saint

07 Sep, 2010 by in Teaser Tuesday, the lost saint 4 comments

Today’s Teaser Tuesday is from The Lost Saint by Bree Despain.

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly book meme
hosted by Miz B. of Should Be Reading.

This is how it works: Grab a book that you are currently reading. Turn to any page and grab two teaser sentences from that page. Make sure it’s not a spoiler in case anyone wants to read the book. Include the author and name of the book

“I couldn’t help but thinking that this would seem like the perfect night to someone like Talbot: a little dancing, a little dinner, and a little demon slaying for dessert. I thought about his pressed shirt, styled hair, and even a splash of musky cologne I could smell on his neck.”

p. 270, The Lost Saint

Southern Princess Dark Divine Giveaway

04 May, 2010 by in etsy, giveaway, southern princess, the Dark Divine Leave a comment

Southern Princess book blog, author Bree Despain and I have teamed up for an awesome giveaway of The Dark Divine swag!

Go enter here: for the interview and the goods!

And see all of your prize choices in our TDD inspired collection on Etsy

The Dark Divine Signing and Givevaway

17 Jan, 2010 by in giveaway, Heather Gardner Photography, purple, the Dark Divine 55 comments

I made it out to Barnes and Noble today for Bree’s signing and picked up some of this…

I am super exicited about this giveaway! The winner gets a signed copy of The Dark Divine plus a bottle of her nail polish.

Second place winner gets a Dark Divine journal from Heather’s Etsy Shop

To enter:

+1 entry for leaving a comment on our blog tell us your favorite YA fiction book ever
+3 entries for becoming a new follower of our blog
+2 for old followers of the blog
+3 for following us on Twitter @FireIcePhotos
+3 for becoming a fan of us on facebook Fire and Ice
+2 for a retweet on twitter, leave the link
+5 for reposting this on your blog, post the link in comments
+5 For adding our button to your blog, post the blog link
+1 for posting this as a sidebar contest on your blog
+1 for each retweet…you can do one a day

Bree’s husband Brick, her two sons and members of her writing group “the Six” as well as the Boy with Books.

Bree signing the winning book. She is wearing one of my

Floating Walnut Tree Necklaces….Squee! And she is currently giving away our jewelry on her blog Go on over and enter to win tonight!

Check out the entire TDD inspired collection here:

Rowijo getting Bree to sign his books

Bree talking about her first published work and the book “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson as well as a conversation in her mind that inspired her to write it. It took ten years from start to shelf. She is currently working on the TDD sequel.

Me and “The Boy With Books” showing off his Patch necklace he bought today.

More photos from The Dark Divines Events on Twitter @FireIcePhotos

Good Luck!

Contest ends January 28th.

The winners will be notified via email and have 48 hours to respond or a new person will be chosen.

Bree Despain’s Launch Party

04 Jan, 2010 by in Heather Gardner Photography, Matthew Kirby, paranormal YA fiction, the Dark Divine, the king's english, The Six, utah authors 2 comments

Bree and I…she is just beautiful!
Saturday Bree Despain hosted her launch party for the Dark Divine at The King’s English bookstore in Salt Lake City. I arrived at 3:05, five minutes late, and had to wait in line two rooms away from where Bree was reading. They finally let us in and we found a seat on the floor where it was standing room only…and we still didn’t all fit! Spotted in the crowd were Sara Zarr, author of “Once Was Lost,” Brodi Ashton author of “Echo,” Emily Wing Smith author of “The Way He lived”, AmyO administrator of TwilightMOMS, Bree’s writing buddies “the Six”, Bree’s husband and two sons as well as Matthew Kirby of the 10-ers.
Bree read to us all from The Dark Divine where Grace tells her family she accidentally ran into Daniel, the dark main character of the book. She explained to us how she named the book with the help of her six writing friends’ vote after originally pondering the title “Daniel Divine.” She shared writing and editing tips with fellow aspiring authors in the crowd and updated us on how the sequel is coming along. It is obvious from Bree’s reported life schedule that her family comes first and her husband is very supportive of her writing.
After the reading we all filed in line for purple frosted crescent moon cookies and a chance to get our purple Dark Divine nail polish. Bree was kind to each of her guests and personable. She is very approachable and friendly. The owner of the King’s English, Anne Holman congratulated Bree saying “We have hosted a lot of very famous authors here at the store and Bree just blew them away!” They sold out of all copies of The Dark Divine to guests at the signing. Congratulations to Bree on her great launch! Pick up the Dark Divine, you won’t be able to put it down. Scroll down on the blog for our five star review as well as TDD journals and jewelry.

Brodi Ashton and Cam Ballou, guests and friends of Bree

Here are Bree’s upcoming events as listed on her website

“1. On January 5th, I will be the special quest on the “Book and a Chat” show on You can listen online, and even call in and ask me questions.

2. On January 6th, is hosting a group chat in honor of TDD. Come chat with us and ask me your questions.

3. I’ll be doing a reading and signing at the West Jordan (Jordan Landing) Barnes & Noble on January 16th at 2pm.

4. I’ll be participating in an Authorpalooza at the Sandy B&N on February 6th. This is a great opportunity to meet several local authors at once, and pick up great V-day gifts for your friends and family.

5. On February 13th I will be signing books at the Orem B&N. Come get a signed TDD for the special someone in your life–just in time for Valentine’s day.”