Posts Categorized: Nathan Hale

Provo City Library Teen Book Fest Giveaway

06 Nov, 2010 by in Nathan Hale, provo teen fest, sara zarr, scott westerfeld, sydney salter, wendy toliver 76 comments

Earlier this week I went out to my mailbox and there was this amazing package from Courtney Lowe at the Provo City Library. I had asked her for a couple of left over bookmarks from their Teen BookFest and she sent all of this….a new Children’s Book, “Los Gatos Black on Halloween” by from their upcoming guest speaker at the Children’s book fest in May Marisa Montes“, Scott Westerfeld’s “Bogus To Bubbly” plus all the items in the pack we are giving away below.
Seriously cried when I opened it. Could they be any more kind over there? It’s a good thing they are putting on another Teen Book Fest in 2011.
So here’s what we are giving away right now:
1) An ARC of The Lost Saint by Bree Despain
2) favorite reads bookmarks from authors:
Sara Zarr
Wendy Toliver
Nathan Hale
Sydney Salter
Ann Dee Ellis
Lisa Mangum
and 3) a Scott Westerfield PCL Teen book fest bracelet
to one lucky winner.
The rest of the bookmarks we will give away on Twitter and Facebook this week, watch our feeds!

To Enter to win…
+1 leave a comment below
additional entries
+1 entry for visiting the PCL page
+1 for liking PCL on Facebook
+1 for our blog followers
+1 for each one of us you follow on twitter @ProvoLibrary, @FireIcePhotos, @MrNathanHale
(leave your twitter name)
+1 for tweeting or posting this giveaway, leave the link
Total your entries and leave them below.
Good Luck! Contest ends December 6, 2010 and is open internationally

Calamity Jack Launch Party

10 Jan, 2010 by in Nathan Hale, Rapunzel's Revenge, Shannon Hale 2 comments

From Goodreads…”Jack thinks of himself as a criminal mastermind with an unfortunate amount of bad luck. A schemer, a trickster …maybe even a thief? But, of course, he’s not out for himself he’s trying to take the burden off his hardworking mum’s shoulders. She’d understand, right? He hopes she might even be proud. Then, one day, Jack chooses a target a little more …’giant’ than the usual, and as one little bean turns into a great big building-destroying beanstalk, his troubles really begin. But with help from Rapunzel and other eccentric friends, Jack just might out-swindle the evil giants and put his beloved city back in the hands of the people who live there …whilst catapulting them and the reader into another fantastical adventure”

Let me start by saying that Shannon Hale is one of my very favorite authors. I have read all of her Books of Bayern series except for the newest one “Forest Born”, as well as Austenland and The Princess Academy. So when I hear that the King’s English was hosting a release party for her newest book I HAD to go! We learned a lot of interesting things about what a caper is, how comics go from beginning to end, and how it is to work with more than one author. Shannon and her husband even danced an interpretive dance to a song by “deep Forest” to show us what it means to collaborate. Some very exciting announcements were made about future Austenland projects, which I’m not sure we are allowed to share…but SQUEE!…. is all I can say.
Read more about Shannon’s launch week on her website
and check out Nathan Hale’s REALLY cool website!

Shannon standing on Dean’s back…later she used him as a horse

Shannon and Dean at the signing table

Dean autographing our book

Shannon and Dewan “capering about” taught us what a true caper is!

Nathan Hale’s work for Calamity Jack…
the middle image almost became the cover for the book

Rapunzel artwork by Nathan Hale

The authors talking about the process of publishing their newest graphic novel

Trailer of Rapunzel’s Revenge, the first in the series