Uplifting Music for Teens

A list of uplifting music artists for teens:
A list of uplifting music artists for teens:
Madilyn Paige has swiftly become a favorite in our home. She released a new video yesterday for Spotlight. Check it out here…
Madilyn lived in Japan as a young child and has taken up singing since moving back to the U.S. She loves making music videos and short films with her friends and has performed in various local competitions.
Follow Madilyn on Twitter at @MadilynPaige or on her web page.
I received this book for free from Highway Records in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
This stunning self-titled debut EP features a set of tunes notable for their raw emotion and beautiful soundscapes. Madilyn wrote or co-wrote every song on the album, drawing from her own struggles as a teenager and her heartfelt expressions of the joy she finds in life. The first track, "Irreplaceable," begins with aching introspection and soars to an assurance of self-worth; the following track, "Foolish Game," was written right after Madilyn left the TV show The Voice and gives insight into the inevitability of discouragement in life and the realization that you can rise above the games that people play. An epic movie score string section combines with powerful rhythms on "Undercover," a breathtaking song about overcoming sadness and seeking the light all around you. The final track, "Little Things," playfully reminds us that the little things in life are the source of true joy.
This CD has been our soundtrack for the past month. My whole family loved it and when I went to write the review, it was missing. Whisked away by my son. Madilyn Paige has a mature, beautiful voice for her age, reminiscent of Colbie Caillet. The message of her feature song Irreplaceable teaches youth that they don’t need to fit in, they just need to be themselves. We are irreplaceable. There is only one who can fill our shoes. Absolutely one of our favorite EP’s ever. We listen to it non-stop.
Madilyn lived in Japan as a young child and has taken up singing since moving back to the U.S. She loves making music videos and short films with her friends and has performed in various local competitions.
Follow Madilyn on Twitter at @MadilynPaige or on her web page.
Featuring heartwarming and uplifting hymns like Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, and He is Risen, your Easter holiday will be filled with true remembrance and thankfulness for Christ, His life and the love He shows for each of God's Children.
Triumphant, meaningful and moving music release for Easter by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with Orchestra at Temple Square. The first song “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” makes the bold and reassuring statement that Christ the Lord is risen. With 6 tracks this CD combines both familiar hymns with lesser known songs about the Savior. The choir brings a spirit of Spring and new beginning. I found myself buoyed up by the heralding voices that sound like angels. Track 6 “Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain” is a familiar tune for me around Christmas time from Handel’s Messiah. I enjoyed hearing it at a new time of year, celebrating the triumph over death.
Definitely recommended as an Easter basket stuffer and a CD that will fill your home with peace. Thanks to Deseret Book for this wonderful gift in exchange for an honest review.
The 360 members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir represent men and women from many different backgrounds and professions and range in age from 25 to 60. They reflect a medley of unique lives and experiences and are brought together by their love for singing and their faith. Their incomparable voices are the common chord that unites to form the choral group known all over the world as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir originated in the mid-19th century in Salt Lake City. As the Latter-day Saints moved west, Church President Brigham Young included musicians among members of the advance parties. Consequently, a small choir first sang for a conference of the Church in the Salt Lake Valley on August 22, 1847, just 29 days after the first group arrived. The origins of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir may be found in the desire and commitment of early converts to include appropriate music in both sacred and secular events.
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has appeared at 13 world’s fairs and expositions, performed at the inaugurations of five U.S. presidents, and sung for numerous worldwide telecasts and special events. Five of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s recordings have achieved “gold record” and two have achieved “platinum record” status. The most popular was the Grammy-Award-winning 1959 release of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” with the Philadelphia Orchestra.
For more information visit the Mormon Tabernacle Choir fan page on Facebook
Want to immerse yourself in Amelia’s world? Here’s your chance…
To view her original list and listen online head over to Saundra Mitchell’s The Vespertine website http://thevespertine.com/music.html
This is the latest creation from our Edward, Daniel Jackson. He composed nine songs which tell the story of the Cullen family and Jane. Coming soon is a teaser of the other tracks on his album “origins” by Eternal Conflict. Come see him live at the the New Moon Experience in Salt Lake City, or pre-order your CD for $12 at FireAndIce.Edward@gmail.com
10% of the sale proceeds will be donated to the “Find Your Wings” foundation for autism awareness and treatment.