Posts By: Heather


Blog Tour- I Now Pronounce You Someone Else

10 Oct, 2010 by in scholastic, YA contemporary 1 comment

Hardcover, 272 pages
Published June 1st 2010
by Scholastic
4 stars

Seventeen-year-old Bronwen Oliver doesn’t just want a family. She has one of those, and there’s nothing terribly wrong with them apart from bickering grandparents, an image-obsessed mother and a brother she describes simply as Jesus. But there’s no natural sense of connection between Bronwen and her family, leaving her with the belief — and the hope — that she was switched at birth, that she was never supposed to be Bronwen Oliver but someone else entirely.

When she begins dating college senior Jared Sondervan, she finds herself thoroughly embraced by the loving family she has always wanted and does not hesitate to say yes when Jared proposes on her 18th birthday. Plans for the Perfect Beach Wedding before her junior year of college become plans for the Perfect Beach Wedding before her freshman year of college. And a wedding so soon isn’t exactly what Bronwen wants. But Jared is. And his family is. Or so she thinks.

Before Bronwen can determine what she truly wants, she must first determine who she truly is, and the answer, she discovers, is only partially what she thought it was. She wasn’t switched at birth, but she’s also not Bronwen Oliver and hasn’t been for a very long time.

This book was refreshing to me because it felt real. I grew up with several girl friends who married older guys after graduating from High School and could relate to much of what Bronwen was feeling. Her voice rang true to me as I think it will to many young women. She’s also quirky as a teen can be, so you’ll laugh and you’ll cry while reading.

What I liked: Bronwen wanted to wait until she gets married to be intimate. And she breaks up with her first boyfriend when he pressures her after prom. She has guts and courage. She has a back bone to find out who she is before making her biggest decisions.

What I loved: Jared! He is the perfect all-American boy and his family is amazing. I can see how easy it would be to want to be a part of all that they are. He is amazing, old-fashioned and polite.

What I felt: A wide range of emotions and even a bit sad. Thank you to Erin McCahan for keeping the plot genuine and believable. I would read I Now Pronounce You Someone Else again.

What I Wish: I wish the first scene was written differently. To me, it felt attention grabbing in a negative way, it felt out of place with the remainder of the novel. I wish that we heard more of Jared’s voice.

What I did not like: The way Bronwen describes her brother. It was distracting to me to hear the name of the Lord taken in vain.

The main themes: healing after the loss of a parent, adoption, self-worth and courage to be who you are.

Bio of the author Erin McCahan

“I was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, but moved to Columbus, Ohio, when I was nearly five. That’s when my mother remarried – four years after my father was killed in Vietnam – and my new step-dad, a six-foot-seven-inch, southern gentleman and surgeon, had just joined a practice here.

I worked a couple summers in his office during college, and let me tell you how much fun that was. He was a colon-rectal surgeon. On my fourth day on the job, I had such a fit of nervous laughter on the phone – having to use the word enema three times in a scripted response to new patients – that I got booted from the receptionist’s desk to the insurance office where I just typed forms for weeks on end.

Enema. Who can say enema without giggling?!

What else? I transferred undergrad so many times I lost count, but spent my best collegiate years at Hope College in Holland, Michigan, and Capital University here in Columbus, where I still live. I graduated from Cap with a degree in something. Professional Writing, I think it was called. And I ended up with a religion minor because of one completely fascinating professor. I just kept taking his classes. He literally was one of those bearded, old-Volvo-driving, hang-out-for-hours-with-students kind of profs who really did change lives.

He changed mine.

I ended up going to seminary because of him, mostly studied Hebrew and Greek and loved it, but never felt terribly rooted there — or anywhere until I met this great guy named Tim — so I left and wrote freelance articles for a while. Somehow, accidentally, actually, I ended up as a youth minister. Mostly, I didn’t have the heart to say no to the minister when she offered me the job on a Thursday, saying, “I need someone who can start Sunday.” Only after I accepted did she tell me I was in charge of 12- to 18-year-olds.

Turns out I loved it. Did that for ten years, all the while writing in semi-secret, and like most writers I know, my path to publication was long, crooked and filled with the standard miseries of rejection and discouragement. But it’s all part of the process, one thing leading to another if you don’t quit – and I didn’t – and I found an agent, who sold my manuscript, and here I am an author, something I knew I wanted to be as far back as third grade.

Oh, and that great guy named Tim? I married him. He’s one of the reasons I never quit writing, telling me once to “write until you run out of pens.” I believe I was sitting on the kitchen floor crying at the time, holding my latest rejection letter and muttering something about just getting a job at J. Crew. (It would be nice to have the discount.) His enduring support and belief in my ability everlastingly overwhelm me. That’s why all my books will always be For Timothy.” –Taken from her site

600 Follower Contest Winners

09 Oct, 2010 by in Uncategorized 8 comments

Congratulations to the winners of our 600 follower contest!

Author signed copy of Freshman for President by Ally Condie

Fiona Chan
Author signed copy of River Secrets by Shannon Hale-
Himi/Gates of Imag
Hardback copy of Fire by Kirstin CashoreLady Bookstuff
Hardback copy of Nocturne by L.D.Harkrader-Sweepstakes Lover
Paperback copy of Speak- Platinum Edition by Laurie Halse Anderson-Itzel_library
ARC of Middleworld by J&P VoelkelTaffyland

Please email us your street address within 48 hours to claim your prize. Thanks so much for entering everyone 🙂

Sands of Time Necklace Giveaway

08 Oct, 2010 by in etsy, sleepless, solemar designs 42 comments

Our Etsy giveaway is inspired by the book Sleepless, by Cyn Balog… a sands of time necklace donated by Sol E Mar designs. HI! My name is Wendy Lee Carvalho. I am a graphic designer full time, but love to work on jewelry and crafts whenever I can. All items listed in my shop are hand made. I can custom make you an item if you would like. If there is something you see that you like but would love to have it in a different color, shape, size, then just shoot me an email and I will try my hardest to see if I can get you what you need. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or just want to let me know what you think of my shop. I also do freelance graphic design on the side, if you need business cards, letter head, logos, banner artwork or any kind of graphics just let me know!

Sand Of Time Tiny Glass Bottle Necklace
Who said you can’t have the beach with you all year round? These tiny little bottles are the perfect way to remind you of the summer. Filled with sand, a lonely shell and adorned with a iridescent green starfish crystal. Perfect for any casual affair. Cork is glued down so it will not open. Strung on your choice of an 18″ silver plated ball chain, or simple silver plated link chain.

To Enter to Win: Leave a comment below
additional entries
+2 heart her shop on Etsy
+1 for each retweet @fireicephotos
+1 for commenting on our review of Sleepless
+5 post this contest on your blog or facebook, leave the link
+1 Visit her facebook page and become a fan

Total your entries and leave us the total.

Contest ends November 8, 2010 and is open internationally. GOOD LUCK!

Review: Sleepless by Cyn Balog

07 Oct, 2010 by in sleepless 4 comments

Hardcover, 215 pages
Published July 13th 2010
by Delacorte Books
3 stars

Eron DeMarchelle isn’t supposed to feel this connection. He is a Sandman, a supernatural being whose purpose is to seduce his human charges to sleep. Though he can communicate with his charges in their dreams, he isn’t encouraged to do so. After all, becoming too involved in one human’s life could prevent him from helping others get their needed rest.

But he can’t deny that he feels something for Julia, a lonely girl with fiery red hair and sad dreams. Just weeks ago, her boyfriend died in a car accident, and Eron can tell that she feels more alone than ever. Eron was human once too, many years ago, and he remembers how it felt to lose the one he loved. In the past, Eron has broken rules to protect Julia, but now, when she seems to need him more than ever, he can’t reach her. Eron’s time as a Sandman is coming to a close, and his replacement doesn’t seem to care about his charges. Worse, Julia is facing dangers she doesn’t recognize, and Eron, as he transitions back to being human, may be the only one who can save her….

Even once they’ve become human again, Sandmen are forbidden to communicate with their charges. But Eron knows he won’t be able to forget Julia. Will he risk everything for a chance to be with the girl he loves?

The premise of this book is the stuff modern day fairy tales are made of. A sandman who helps you drift off to sleep and then comes to life! The concept alone of a Sandman left me starry eyed after I finished reading. Cyn Balog has a way of putting imperfect teenage boys up against another love interest who is not of our of time or place and out of his element. This book had the same feel I got from her first, Fairy Tale. It accentuates the realities of teenage love…imperfect, coming of age and awkward characters doing their best to fit in, when are genuinely out of place. If you are looking for shiny happy people with embellished conversation this isn’t it. Nor is Sleepless a deep love story with richly developed characters. It reads more like a short story. But, I like Cyn’s style. It is quirky and she always throws in a few very unexpected twists.

Main character Julia has been dealt a bad hand with an incident in her childhood and now the loss of her boyfriend Griffin in a car accident. You would think she’d be sad or depressed so soon after his death, but she seems emotionally disconnected. Griffin, the deceased, is a world class jerk, as was his best friend Bret Anderson. I was bothered by their personalities and behavior. The result was a feeling of “not so sure” about any of the main characters or how they will react. Reading Sleepless feels like you are watching everyone as an outsider rather than becoming involved or sucked in.

I liked Eron and I loved the little snippets we get of his history as a sandman to Julia. However, the last of Sleepless is cut short. We never get a good taste of him or Julia after his full assimilation into becoming a human. He has potential as the absolute dream, so I was wishing for more. Overall, I enjoyed Sleepless but was hoping for magical.

Best things about the book: The beautiful cover, the scenes at the ice cream store where Julia works, and the shock of the first few times Julia meets Eron.

Review: Matched by Ally Condie

07 Oct, 2010 by in matched 16 comments

Hardcover, 384 pages
To Be Published November 30th 2010
by Dutton Juvenile
ISBN 0525423648
4.5 stars

In the Society, Officials decide. Who you love. Where you work. When you die.

Cassia has always trusted their choices. It’s barely any price to pay for a long life, the perfect job, the ideal mate. So when her best friend appears on the Matching screen, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is the one . . . until she sees another face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. Now Cassia is faced with impossible choices: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she’s known and a path no one else has ever dared follow—between perfection and passion.

Matched is a story for right now and storytelling with the resonance of a classic.

I first spotted an ARC of this book at the Writing for Charity event and I fell in love with the cover. It is magical. Shimmering. Perfect. Matched is a story that will stick with you long after you are done reading. And it’s one I could happily read over and over. Ally Condie is a master. She takes a dystopian concept and gives it a hopeful poetic tone. Her writing leaves an impact and a deep impression in your mind. This is a book that I see being taught in classrooms because of the ideas it presents and explores.

It starts out as Cassia is getting ready to attend her Matching ceremony, traveling along with her childhood friend Xander and their families. The whole event sounds like a girl’s dream. A new green silk dress, and the once in a lifetime chance to meet the man you may marry. The society hand picks them for you and statistics show all will be well.

Cassia’s path may be different than her peers, after her match goes wrong and she sees the faces of two boys instead of one. Both of them live in her borough, but one has a secret. Soon the perfect face of society will start to crumble as Cassia uncovers their methods. They control every facet of life: the food, the jobs, the history, and even the chances you will have in the future to succeed. Society officials watch your every move and limit your choices. As they once seemed protective and helpful they become Cassia’s source of confusion and entrapment. Will she be able to break free and choose love over loyalty?

Matched is slow moving but immersive. I found myself falling for both of Cassia’s men. They are incredible. The families are tight knit, each of the character’s pasts are intertwined and interconnected. The plot has layers which continue to unravel and the romance element is clean and perfect. I’m looking forward to the sequel, since in the end there are a lot of unanswered questions. Overall Matched is a beautiful, thought provoking book bound to become a classic.

Visit Ally’s website here and an author interview and excerpt from Matched on Amazon. Be sure to enter to win a vintage compact necklace inspired by Cassia’s matching ceremony artifact in the post below. Also our 600 follower contest contains a signed copy of Ally’s book Freshman for President!

Vintage Compact Giveaway

07 Oct, 2010 by in etsy, matched 50 comments

Our ETSY giveaway goes with the book MATCHED by Ally Condie and is inspired by the compact she receives at her Match banquet which belonged to her grandmother. Generously donated by Etsy seller 2007Musarra.

“I have a love of vintage jewelery, every piece is different and I love to look for just the right piece so I can use it in the final product. I search far and wide for just that right piece. My friends love coming to my house just to go through my stash, even my mom has taken to going through everything, she will leave a note like: Hope you don’t mind but…I just, giggle, who can refuse such beautiful things my lovely daughter? As a matter fact when I was a little girl my grandma used to call me gypsy rosealea (who ever she was she must of had some fab jewelery)because I used to pile the jewelery on .Taking pieces from my aunts and adding my own. I would be so weighed down that I could hardly walk!It was the 70’s so add in the high vinyl rust colored boots and silkish shirts and you get the full picture! Vintage, ah what can I say they just don’t make it like that anymore, and clip on earrings who ever invented them well they should have to wear them 24/7 in eternity! I mean really. All us girls know it must have been a man who made those because they would have been more comfortable if they would have to had to wear them, best example: blue jeans!! They made those comfortable enough to work in. Humph. Grandmas jewelery does not have to sit in the drawer any more it can be made into something modern and pretty! Best part is no one else will have my jewelry you will be the envy of all your friends!

Description OH this is perfect! Powder your nose in no time flat with this wonderful vintage assembled necklace! The original glass is still there in great shape. The compact is from the 20″ wonderfully made in the USA from Zell 5th Avenue , New York, New York. OH this is a conversation starter for sure or you can help your girls out with your mirror so they can touch up that lip stick!!! The compact is in MINT condition 2-1/2 round. The necklace is 30″ long and vintage very cool and different.

To Enter to Win: Leave a comment below
additional entries
+2 heart her shop on Etsy
+1 for each retweet @fireicephotos
+1 for commenting on our review of MATCHED
+5 post this contest on your blog or facebook, leave the link
+1 Visit her two other stores and heart them

Total your entries and leave us the total.

Contest ends November 7, 2010 and is open internationally. GOOD LUCK!

Utah Author Interview- Rachael Renee Anderson

06 Oct, 2010 by in luck of the draw, rachael renee anderson, utah authors 17 comments

Tell us what books you have published and what you have in the works.

Two books so far, Divinely Designed and Luck of the Draw. I’m working on a third right now about a guy who gets the surprise of his life when he finds out a girl he barely knew had left him her only child. I hope to have it submitted by the end of the year–hopefully sooner, but with little kids still keeping me busy during the day, I try to keep my goals realistic.:)

What inspired you to want to be a writer?

Reading. I LOVE to read and one day, years ago, I had the thought, “I wonder what it would be like to write one of these?” So I gave it a try and found I loved writing too. Now I only wish I had more time to read. 🙂

Any favorite authors or books?

Too many to list all of them. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Kathryn Stockett’s The Help, J.K. Rowlings’ Harry Potter, C.S. Lewis, Shannon Hale . . . any light, fun, clean reads that take me away to another place and make me smile. And I love, love, love children’s books! Max Lucado, Leah Wilcox, Richard Schnieder’s Why Christmas Trees Aren’t Perfect. There is nothing better than a well-written or humorous children’s book, I tell you. They even have pictures. 🙂

Luck of the Draw brings up Dani’s parents and their draw towards looking perfect and achieving status. Do you think there is a lot of that in today’s society and what do you think is the solution?

This is a difficult question for me because I don’t want to sound judgmental, and I hope that Luck of the Draw doesn’t come across that way either. I’ve known several people who have had that tummy tuck, that breast augmentation, that nose job, who drive that expensive car, or live in that lavish house. And do I think less of them for it? NO! I do not. But I do think there is an overall perception in our society that how you look, what you drive, and who your friends are, is somehow a reflection of who you are, which is sad. Is there a solution for this? I don’t know. Personally, I think the real change has to start with individuals. My mom has a cross-stitch hanging on her wall that I love. It says, “I’m somebody special, cause God don’t make no junk.” That is plain and simple truth right there. I think the challenge is getting people to actually believe it.

Tell us about your favorite character or scene to write

Mmmmmm . . . this is another difficult question. I love Brighton for his over-confidence and as well as his humility. That sounds like a contradiction, but really it’s not. I also adore Dani for her spunk, her inner strength, her desire to do good, and her genuine concern for others. My favorite scene to write was probably the one where Brighton shows up at Dani’s house in Colorado. I loved how it showed their personalities, differences, and growing attraction. I also loved introducing Nana–the most darling of grandmothers, don’t you think?

Do you have any upcoming events?

Other than a book signing at 10:00 on Saturday at the American Fork Seagull book, I don’t have anything else on the calendar yet–which is kind of a relief (if you want the honest truth). Book signings sound far more glamorous than they really are. For me, they mean feeling silly and conspicuous, although I do love meeting and talking to wonderful people who share my interest in books. After all, I wouldn’t have met you, Heather, had I not attended Authorpalooza, so I can’t complain too much. 🙂

What message do you want to portray to readers who pick up your books?

My goal as a writer is to create fun, uplifting books that will somehow leave readers feeling happy, entertained, and with any luck, inspired. Those are my favorite kinds of books to read, and I’m grateful for the many authors out there who have written so many of them.

We are giving away signed bookmarks donated by Rachael. Leave a comment here or on our review of Luck of The Draw to enter. Ends November 6, 2010 and is open internationally.

Waiting on Wednesday- Ever’neath by Brodi Ashton

06 Oct, 2010 by in utah authors, YA fiction 2 comments

Photo of author Brodi Ashton by Heather Zahn Gardner

Our Waiting On Wednesday is

The Ever’neath
by Brodi Ashton
To Be Published Winter 2012
by HarperCollins
Book 1 of a series

“The first book in the deal, The Ever’neath, is partially based on the Greek myth of Persephone: a 17-year-old who’s been banished to the underworld escapes to her former earthly existence with her family and boyfriend. The catch is that she only has six months in the real world before being sent back to Hades, this time forever. “

Add Ever’neath your Goodreads to read list here:
Follow Brodi @brodiashton in twitter and Visit her blog here

Luck of The Draw by Rachael Renee Anderson

05 Oct, 2010 by in book review, rachael renee anderson, utah authors 4 comments

Paperback, 214 pages
Published August 8th 2010
by Bonneville
5 stars

Four weeks. Three roommates. Two dates each. Brighton Andrews has never had a problem getting a girl to go out with him. So when his friends dare him to ask out three roommates at the same time, he figures this will be the easiest bet he’ll ever win–even with the added clause that the girls can’t find out they’re all dating the same guy. And with a whole month free from laundry at stake, who could resist? Of course, that’s before he meets the girls. Rachael Renee Anderson’s charming Luck of the Draw puts a hilarious twist on a modern-day love story. Fast-paced, witty, and full of fun, the odds are stacked that this is one book you won’t be able to put down.

The first thing I love about Luck of the Draw is the cover. It reminds me of modern day, modest Charlie’s Angels. The second thing I love is the author. I stopped by her table at authorpalooza two weeks ago but didn’t have much time to chat. So, I was thrilled when she and her publicist sent me a copy of her book for review. Since finishing the book I have found out what an amazing person Rachael is. She’s down to earth, humble, and kind.

I turned the last page on Luck of The Draw three days ago and still have not been able to enjoy anything else I’ve picked up quite as much. It has an underlying message and good feeling that will slowly seep in and wrap around you as you read. The plot starts out light and funny as a bet is made that involves laundry and girls. Brighton Andrews has his hands full trying to ask three girls out at the same time without them finding out they are dating the same person. His life gets even more complicated (and hilarious) when he accidentally plows Dani, one of the roommates, into the snow and finds out how feisty and stubborn a woman can be. The bet may not be as easy to win as everything else for Brighton…but he is bound and determined to win.

The plot to Luck of The Draw has lots of surprises, fun dialogue and lessons of life. What impacted me the most was seeing how Dani sticks to her guns and lives as she believes best in spite of her superficial parents. I also enjoyed how Brighton matures and changes after his laundry bet goes awry. Both main characters most learn to trust in something outside of themselves and follow their dreams wherever they may lead.

Rachael Renee Anderson has created a parable for our time and a fun read that will take you back to your college days. The characters will melt your heart and the message will bring you to tears. Five stars and a thank you for a squeaky clean read. This is one I will pass on to my daughters. I ordered her other book Divinely Designed and am excited to read more from Rachael.

Enter to win a copy of Luck of The Draw on Goodreads here read an excerpt from the book here and visit Rachael Renee Anderson’s site here.

News and Contests

05 Oct, 2010 by in etsy, Heather Gardner Photography Leave a comment

Congratulations to ElPrimerBeso for winning our Clockwork Angel steam punk giveaway

Head on over to Bewitched Bookworms for a chance to win a bookmark inspired by Bree Despain’s the Dark Divine and a necklace for Sophie Jordan’s book Firelight from our Etsy shops.

And in photography news, two of Heather photos were featured in Etsy treasuries this week.

Fans of Alice In Wonderland will love “If you go chasing rabbits, you know you’re going to fall…” by BlackCreekEclectible on Etsy

And Let it Snow Angels by vintageprecious includes her angel in the snow fine art print.
