Tell us what books you have published and what you have in

Two books so far, Divinely Designed and Luck of the Draw. I’m working on a third right now about a guy who gets the surprise of his life when he finds out a girl he barely knew had left him her only child. I hope to have it submitted by the end of the year–hopefully sooner, but with little kids still keeping me busy during the day, I try to keep my goals realistic.:)
What inspired you to want to be a writer?
Reading. I LOVE to read and one day, years ago, I had the thought, “I wonder what it would be like to write one of these?” So I gave it a try and found I loved writing too. Now I only wish I had more time to read. 🙂
Any favorite authors or books?
Too many to list all of them. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Kathryn Stockett’s The Help, J.K. Rowlings’ Harry Potter, C.S. Lewis, Shannon Hale . . . any light, fun, clean reads that take me away to another place and make me smile. And I love, love, love children’s books! Max Lucado, Leah Wilcox, Richard Schnieder’s Why Christmas Trees Aren’t Perfect. There is nothing better than a well-written or humorous children’s book, I tell you. They even have pictures. 🙂
Luck of the Draw brings up Dani’s parents and their draw towards looking perfect and achieving status. Do you think there is a lot of that in today’s society and what do you think is the solution?
This is a difficult question for me because I don’t want to sound judgmental, and I hope that Luck of the Draw doesn’t come across that way either. I’ve known several people who have had that tummy tuck, that breast augmentation, that nose job, who drive that expensive car, or live in that lavish house. And do I think less of them for it? NO! I do not. But I do think there is an overall perception in our society that how you look, what you drive, and who your friends are, is somehow a reflection of who you are, which is sad. Is there a solution for this? I don’t know. Personally, I think the real change has to start with individuals. My mom has a cross-stitch hanging on her wall that I love. It says, “I’m somebody special, cause God don’t make no junk.” That is plain and simple truth right there. I think the challenge is getting people to actually believe it.
Tell us about your favorite character or scene to write
Mmmmmm . . . this is another difficult question. I love Brighton for his over-confidence and as well as his humility. That sounds like a contradiction, but really it’s not. I also adore Dani for her spunk, her inner strength, her desire to do good, and her genuine concern for others. My favorite scene to write was probably the one where Brighton shows up at Dani’s house in Colorado. I loved how it showed their personalities, differences, and growing attraction. I also loved introducing Nana–the most darling of grandmothers, don’t you think?
Do you have any upcoming events?
Other than a book signing at 10:00 on Saturday at the American Fork Seagull book, I don’t have anything else on the calendar yet–which is kind of a relief (if you want the honest truth). Book signings sound far more glamorous than they really are. For me, they mean feeling silly and conspicuous, although I do love meeting and talking to wonderful people who share my interest in books. After all, I wouldn’t have met you, Heather, had I not attended Authorpalooza, so I can’t complain too much. 🙂
What message do you want to portray to readers who pick up your books?
My goal as a writer is to create fun, uplifting books that will somehow leave readers feeling happy, entertained, and with any luck, inspired. Those are my favorite kinds of books to read, and I’m grateful for the many authors out there who have written so many of them.
We are giving away signed bookmarks donated by Rachael. Leave a comment here or on our review of Luck of The Draw to enter. Ends November 6, 2010 and is open internationally.
Linda Henderson
I enjoyed the interview and would love bookmarks from this author.
seriousreader at live dot com
fun interview. Divinely designed was darling. I can’t wait to read Luck of the Draw.
Christine Jensen
I sooo almost bought this at Seagull Book yesterday…I was good and didn’t. But, I am probably going back tomorrow and I don’t know that I will be able to resist 😉
kissyjensen at gmail dot com
Inspired Kathy
Great interview. I love Rachael and her books!
Sounds like a cute book!
Lovely interview!
What a great interview!!
I didn’t know this author, but the book sounds like good. Thanks for the interview and the giveaway!
Wonderful interview – Divinely designed has quite lovely cover too!
Damla (Sweepstake Lover)
I have a collection of bookmarks in my home. I hope I can add these among them 🙂
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
I left a comment on your review! Thanks for posting this interesting interview!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
What a good interview!
this sounds so cute….thank you for the wonderful interview!
k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com
Suzy Turner
I love the sound of both of your books… anything that leaves me feeling uplifted at the end is great by me!!
Great interview. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks!
Anne R.
Great! 🙂 I am now tempted to buy Rachael’s books 🙂
isabookwhore at gmail dot com
Great interview. Book marks are so much fun! I have a habit of collecting them. They are always so unique!