I received this book for free from Shadow Mountain in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Sweets and Treats with Six Sisters’ Stuff
by Six SIsters' StuffPublished by Shadow Mountain on September 29, 2015
Genres: Adult, Cookbook
Pages: 169
Format: Paperback

Source: Shadow Mountain
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After growing up in a close-knit family in Utah, the sisters scattered across the country when they went off to college, got married, and had kids. To keep in touch, they started the Six Sisters’ Stuff blog, which (much to their surprise!) attracted a massive following. Today, SixSistersStuff.com is an Internet sensation filled with recipes, meal planners, DIY projects, and more!
At the core of the Six Sisters’ brand are home-grown values: a devotion to family, love, and togetherness. And delicious, lovingly prepared food, of course!
SWEETS & TREATS is a treasure trove of ideas for the fun parent. Whether it’s for a special occasion or a festive after school snack, kids will be dazzled by Homemade Twix Bars, Circus Animal Truffles, Samoa Cupcakes, or Churro Chex Mix! Rock the school bake sales with spins on the classics —from Reese’s Brownies to Butterscotch Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies. And the recipes are so easy that kids can even bake along!
For party time, after dinner, or even just some well-deserved self-indulgence , SWEETS & TREATS is filled to the brim with cakes, pies, and other swoon-worthy delights like Brownie Caramel Cheesecake, Mini Pumpkin Pies, Berries and Cream Trifle, or perfect raspberry sorbet. This book features classic recipes derived from the Six Sisters’ family heritage (like their Fresh Peach Pie!) alongside innovative creations (Peanut Butter Brownie Buckeye Cupcakes, anyone?), that will give you options for easy entertaining.
Also included are these magnificent delights:
Hot Fudge Sundae Ice Cream Cake
Microwave Caramels
Frozen Grasshopper Cookie Pie
Rocky Road Fudge
Brownie Caramel Cheesecake
Every recipe is accompanied by a colorful photo and there are lots of whimsical sidebars throughout the book that offer great family activities, tricks for parties, crafts, and even ideas for cute, easy date nights. The Sisters know first-hand what it’s like to juggle a hectic life, and they’ve designed everything so that you can concentrate on putting a smile on your family’s faces.
The proof is in the pudding (and also the cakes, brownies, and cookies!): With the Six Sisters you can put dessert first!

I do believe there were actual squeals when this cook book arrived in our mailbox. My oldest daughter is quite the chef and she went right to work cooking up a recipe from Sweets and treats with Six Sisters’ Stuff. We’ve enjoyed various brownies over the past few weeks. She loves the presentation, the photos and the glossy pages. We also enjoyed the fun ideas for families like a neighborhood cookie walk, decorative ways to package treats, and new holiday traditions. I can not wait for the frozen grasshopper cookie pie or microwave caramels! Six Sisters’ Stuff cookbooks are among our very favorites and they are a must have for anyone who loves comfort food and family togetherness.