I received this book for free from Covenant in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Bonds of Loyalty
by Jennifer K. Clark, Stephonie K. WilliamsPublished by Covenant on August 2014
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, LDS
Pages: 176
Format: eARC

Source: Covenant
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It shall be the son, the firstborn in the new monarchy, who shall quiet the fears and unite the nation again.
The infamous prophecy declaring that the firstborn would be a boy is the last thing Sarah wants to deal with. As if being newly engaged isn’t difficult enough, she’s still coming to terms with the fact that the first eighteen years of her life were a farce. The prophecy—the reason she had been secreted away from her family and her royal heritage to begin with—wasn’t supposed to disrupt her life any more than it previously had. But when unexpected events force her to leave her fiancé, Prince Alexander, Sarah must return to her home country of Kyrnidan to face her destiny.
Reunited with her royal family, Sarah is thrust into the political turmoil that surrounds her ancestral home. To make things worse, her arrival has upturned the long-held prophecy.
As the voices of distension mount against her, Sarah turns to her bodyguard, Luther, for protection. But Luther’s protection comes with a price. Propelled into a plot that threatens her life and the welfare of the entire kingdom, Sarah must determine where her love and loyalty truly lie. Torn between two men, she will now have to face her fears and undertake a journey of self-discovery that will change the fate of a nation….
Who doesn’t love a little bit of political intrigue, history, suspense and clean romance? Having not read book one, Mark of Royalty , I jumped right into book two, Bonds of Loyalty and thoroughly enjoyed the journey. The authors weave a tale of a kidnapped Princess raised far from home who carries a mark to distinguish her as heir and firstborn. In this second installment, she is returning home to the land of her birth to meet her parents. But, in doing so, her life is put at risk. Sarah is caught in a web of political unrest and her country is on the brink of war. Meanwhile, she has more than one person out to end her life and the monarchy.
The romance has just the right amount of tension and pull between two suitors. Bonds of Loyalty is a well written read. The only wish I had was that the worlds of Kyrnidan was more fully fleshed out. As well as the distinction between where she was raised, the land of her fiance Alex, and where she is in book two.
Content: This is a clean book suited for teens. Kissing, some tension. There is a threat of sexual harassment and mild violence , but overall, mild.
I’m so glad I picked up a soot on the blog tour. I think now I will go back and read book one!

About the Authors 
Jennifer K. Clark and Stephonie K. Williams are sisters by chance but became friends by choice when a year of rooming together at college taught them how to get along. Now “play”-at-home moms, separated and living in different parts of the country, they stay in touch and support each other in their individual projects.
Jennifer K. Clark lives in the small rural town of Wellington Utah, as much as her husband wishes it was Wellington New Zealand. After years of entertaining her three children with infamous made-up stories, she decided to put her imagination to good use and became an author. She likes to add a touch of romance to her novels along with a healthy dose of adventure. Fueled by Lindt Chocolate Truffles and Sour Patch Kids, she now spends a copious amount of time with the characters in her head. In her spare time she likes to create science experiments with the ingredients in her potions cupboard, debate which Doctor is her favorite (currently the 10th…or maybe the 11th), and—when she has time—watches the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice.
Stephonie K. Williams makes her home in a quaint farming town in eastern Iowa with her husband, three cats, and a budding ninja. Two of her favorite things in Iowa are the fireflies (aka lightning bugs) and cows, especially the calves. Despite having lived there for 15 years she still misses the majesty and tranquility of the mountains of Utah where she grew up. She has a vast collection of fortune cookie fortunes because she has yet to determine if it is unlucky to throw them away. She also loves to quill, the art of rolled paper, not to be confused with quilting.
Stephonie is passionate about education and enjoys visiting schools to teach classes on creative writing. She has written poetry, short stories, and dissertations, although Mark of Royalty was the first of her work that she was brave enough to submit for publication.
Blog Tour Schedule
*August 18th: http://literarytimeout.blogspot.com
*August 19th: http://bookgeekreviews.com/, http://fireandicereads.com/
*August 20th: http://www.charissastastny.com, http://www.minreadsandreviews.blogspot.com/
*August 21st: http://www.iamareader.com/, http://lisaisabookworm.blogspot.com
*August 22nd: http://ilovetoreadandreviewbooks.blogspot.com/, http://wishfulendings.com
*August 23rd: http://www.mybookday.blogspot.com
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