Party Style Blog Tour + Kitchen Aid Mixer & Ipad Giveaway
I received this book for free from Front Table Books in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Party Style: Kids' Parties from Baby to Sweet 16
by Gemma TouchstonePublished by Front Table Books on October 13, 2015
Genres: Adult, Cookbook
Pages: 200
Format: Paperback

Source: Front Table Books
Buy the Book •
Make memories your children will treasure forever. As the creator of and editor-in-chief of Party Style magazine, Gemma Touchstone knows how to make children’s celebrations memorable. And with her help, you’ll want to find any excuse to party! Packed with easy and elegant DIY craft ideas, cool themes, and must-read entertaining tips, this book shows you how to party in style.

Party Style is a beautiful little guide book for throwing the perfect party for children ages baby-16. The format is perfect, small enough to carry around with bright, sharp photos and lots of ideas. There are plenty of recipes to munch on including small meals in bell jars. If you don’t know how to plan a party or what type of hostess you are…no problem. There’s quizzes, checklists and to do’s to help you on your way. Lots of creativity and fun packed in Gemma Touchstone’s party guide!
- You can get over $2,500.00 worth of exclusive party printables with your Book purchase for download off of the web site
- The Book Kick off party for the PARTY STYLE book will be in orange county, ca at the CAKE expo at 5:00 Pm October 17th tickets are available on Living Social get more
- Gemma Touchstone will be teaching pin worthy parties at the pinners conference in Salt Lake City, UT Nov 6th & 7th and you can save 10% on tickets with ticket code partystyle
- Gemma Touchstone will be speaking at ISSE along with Colin Cowie and some other amazing speakers and you can save $500.00 on your ticket when you mention PartyStyle Book Tour
- Find Gemma at the OC DATE NIGHT MARKET March 11th
DATE-NIGHT-Market- 964563633581813/timeline/?ref= hl - For more dates on her Tour around the USA Please visit the Blog
- Gemma’s Next HOLIDAY HOSTESS is already in the works and will be out in time for the holiday season in 2016
– Sneak Peek –
– Look Inside ––Style-Kids-Parties-Sweet/dp/1462117171
About the Author
Gemma Touchstone is a leading authority on global party styling trends from the early identification of up-and-coming party themes, to premier event styling, food presentation and is an early adopter of the social media revolution in her field. She’s the publisher and author of two stylist industry magazines, a leading industry blogger and has been a regular stylist for Hollywood stars from the movies and TV. Gemma has spoken about global party styling mega trends, blogging and the social media revolution at conferences and business events around the country.
As a publicity expert Gemma has worked with business owners, stylists and international companies that want to leverage the free publicity in traditional and social media to establish their credibility, enhance their reputation, promote new products, or get the word out about a favorite cause or issue.
The Giveaway
Giveaway runs till the Blog Book tour is over from October 1 – November 15th THE GRAND PRIZE is a kitchen aid mixer, IPAD Air, Honeycomb Decor Pack with multiple sizes and colors, Bakers Bling sanding sugar in several colors, $100.00 gift card to Home Goods, $100.00 Gift card to Michael’s Craft Store an d and Autographed copy to the book. 3 ft LOVE Balloon Set. These are Gemma’s Must haves for the perfect party.