GRAND FINALE BLITZ : Montana Wedding by Cari Lynn Webb

05 Dec, 2020 by in Uncategorized Leave a comment

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops you’ll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Author Interview

I’m thrilled to be celebrating the release of my new book, Montana Wedding, book 5 in the continuity series, The Blackwell Sisters with Harlequin Heartwarming. Montana Wedding is a sweet contemporary romance that brings together doctor, Georgiana (Georgie) Harrison and rodeo star Zach Evans for an unforgettable Christmas. . .

Christy’s Cozy Corners – Review

“Cari Lynn Webb has written another exceptional, page-turning book for clean romance lovers everywhere. . . . I love how Webb gives her characters such unique personalities and “issues” to deal with. Though I’ve never been in Georgie’s shoes or Zach’s saddle, I could feel their hurts coming through the pages of the book. And, yes, I cried. If you get immersed in books like I do, you’ll probably cry too! Those side characters that you might be unfamiliar with will get into your hearts. They’ll make you laugh and cry. Past hurts begin to mend, and that’ll make you cry too! In other words, be sure you’ve got the tissues handy.

I highly recommend this sweet, emotional book.”

Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt

But a rodeo cowboy could distract her family from her next career move. Stop right there, Georgiana Marie. Her mother’s inflexible tone had always halted Georgie’s unapproved science projects, rendering her theories unproved. “Are you any good?”

“Top ten calf roping and bronc riding in the country.” He shrugged as if being modest about the accomplishment.

Remembrancy – Review

“These two are complete opposites in so many ways, but they make a fantastic team when they put their heads together. And the attraction sizzles from early on even though they’re both intent on fighting it (we all know how well that will turn out).

I also loved all of the holiday cheer from the different trees to the ugly sweaters to the scavenger hunt (although, I would have liked to know which couple won that). Montana Wedding was a great way to end the series, but I sure hope we haven’t seen the last of the Blackwell clan.”

Books & Benches – Excerpt

MY BOYFRIEND. GEORGIE just jumped in with both feet. Never mind that the last time she’d jumped in with both feet had been at summer camp in seventh grade. And she had ended up with a concussion and a broken arm. She strained to find her most convincing smile.

Beside her, Zach wheezed as if he choked on air. “Pleasure to meet you all.”

She was going to owe him. Big-time.

Library Lady’s Kid Lit – Review

“When one of her sisters is getting married she convinces a male co-worker to attend with her and help her convince her family moving to work at a lab in London is the best thing for her. But, he doesn’t show up at the airport and Georgie has to come up with another plan. Cari Lynn Webb has crafted an enjoyable story.”

Hallie Reads – Review

“I am here for all the fake-dating romances. This trope is a favorite and rarely lets me down, so of course, Cari Lynn Webb’s Montana Wedding is delightful. . . . The way they challenge each other and grow proves that their fake relationship could be exactly what they need. Add in plenty of holiday cheer, and their romance is charming, fun, and irresistible.”

Cover Lover Book Review – Excerpt

“I worked hard,” Georgie said.

“That’s all you do.” Fee tipped her head and considered Georgie. Worry was etched in her face and clear in her words. “You work hard and harder still. Always focused on work and that next level.”

Georgie had goals to reach. That required focus and dedication. But had she missed out on the fun and games over the years? She shook her head. She wasn’t the carefree type. Never had been. Her sisters knew that. Yet she set her hand flat on the table as if she’d been knocked off balance.

Splashes of Joy – Review

“I love the main characters and she does an amazing joy of bringing back all of the family. Georgie and Zach are so different yet so well for each other. The chemistry between the two is just right! I totally enjoyed this fun and enjoyable entertainment!”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“This is another great story set in Montana at the awesome Blackwell Ranch. I love the Blackwell family. . . . The characters are all well-developed and it is easy to feel their emotions. . . . I highly recommend this story to all readers. It has great life lessons and has a great romance also.”

E-Romance News – Excerpt

“Then we’ll find something that does help.”

“We?” She lifted her gaze to his face.

“Yes, we. You and me.” Zach picked up the pot of honey from Hilda Pittman and swirled the wooden stick in the tea. “Honey is good for allergies, sore throats and stomach issues.”

“Is that right?” A smile broke through her hesitant tone.

Pause for Tales – Review

Montana Wedding was a story that I thought would be a cute one about a fake date/boyfriend where the lead couples fall in love. It was that and more. Actually it was a deeper romance and a story that showed the importance of family.”

Locks, Hooks and Books – Review

Montana Wedding is getting a very well deserved five plus stars from me. I highly recommend it for readers who love clean romance. I was excited to find out that it is part of a series, The Blackwell Sisters, and I will be looking forward to reading those to find out what happened previously to this one.”

Reading Is My SuperPower – Review

“The whole family (Harrisons & Blackwells & significant others) come together for this final book in the series, and boy howdy there’s a lot of ’em. The result is a big, crazy, wonderful mix of people and personalities and laughter and love. Throw in Christmas and you have the perfect ratio of family shenanigans to yummy goodies to romantic moments. . . . Montana Wedding is the ideal send-off for this Blackwell series – and maybe we could hope for some other unknown Blackwell offspring from these authors in the future?”

Heidi Reads… – Excerpt

“Georgie, you want to come with us?” Grace asked.

Georgie shook her head. “I think I’ll stay and explore, if you don’t mind.”

Zach minded. Very much. He’d be alone with Georgie. Again. And every time he was alone with her, he spilled more truths. Revealed parts of his life he’d never wanted to share. Every time he was alone with Georgie, the lines blurred, and he forgot he was only supposed to be pretending to like her.

Getting Your Read On – Review

“There were so many things happening in this story! The winter/Christmas setting lends itself to lots of fun family Christmas traditions and troublesome weather. There is the return of an estranged father, the birth of babies and the reconnecting of sisters. It was easy to get wrapped up in the holiday feel with the idyllic setting and warm family bonds. This is a great book to read during this month of December.”

Beauty in the Binding – Excerpt

“I thought you could use these as gifts for your sisters.” Zach cleared his throat. “Or not. They’re old glass jars. Probably chipped and cracked. Need to be cleaned.”

She reached up, placed her hand on his cheek.

Her warm, soft touch stalled his rambling and his heart.

Reading Excursions – Review

“Realistic, dramatic, funny at times, and realistically told, this was one of the fastest read Heartwarming novels I ever read. . . . Fans of the author and genre, plus those who’ve read the previous three novels might enjoy this last book of the series.”

Bookish Jottings – Review

“If you are looking for a fun, poignant and spellbinding contemporary romantic read, look no further than Cari Lynn Webb’s latest novel, Montana Wedding. . . . A delightful contemporary romance that will have you laughing out loud and wiping away a tear or two, Cari Lynn Webb’s Montana Wedding is a fantastic tale about finding happiness when you least expect it, family ties and following your heart that I struggled to put down. . . . Warm, witty and wonderful, Cari Lynn Webb’s Montana Wedding is not to be missed.”

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post…

Montana Wedding (The Blackwell Sisters #5) By Cari Lynn Webb Contemporary Romance Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages December 1, 2020 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can a fake date

Become the real deal?

Triplet Georgie Harrison will do anything to keep her family—including her newfound Blackwell relatives—from worrying about her. Which is exactly why she’s enlisted way-too-charming rodeo cowboy Zach Evans to be her fake boyfriend for her sister’s Montana ranch wedding. The problem is that Georgie’s not just tempted to fall for her own ruse…she’s also falling hard for the roguish cowboy she can never have.


The Blackwell Sisters Book 1: Montana Welcome by Melinda Curtis Book 2: Montana Wishes by Amy Vastine Book 3: Montana Dreams by Anna J. Stewart Book 4: Montana Match by Carol Ross Book 5: Montana Wedding by Cari Lynn Webb

(Affiliate links included.) Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Target | Book Depository | Harlequin Apple Books | Google | Kobo | BAM | IndieBound | Walmart

About the Author

Cari Lynn Webb lives in South Carolina with her husband, daughters and assorted four-legged family members. She’s been blessed to see the power of true love in her grandparent’s 70 year marriage and her parent’s marriage of over 50 years. She knows love isn’t always sweet and perfect, it can be challenging, complicated and risky. But she believes happily-ever-afters are worth fighting for. She loves to connect with readers. Visit her at her website.

Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card and a Christmas goodie bag to include holiday books, an ornament and candy (US only)

Ends December 11, 2020


Grab Our Button!


UNRAVELED by Christy Sloat Cover Reveal and Giveaway

01 Dec, 2020 by in Uncategorized Leave a comment

Today Christy Sloat and Rockstar BookTours are revealing the cover for the anniversary edition of UNRAVELED, which releases January 15, 2020! Check out the gorgeous cover and enter to win a signed copy of book 1!

On to the reveal!

Title: UNRAVELED (The Past Lives #2)

Author: Christy Sloat

Pub. Date: January 15, 2020

Publisher: CHBB Publishing

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 163

Find it: Goodreads

Their love will always be forbidden in the eyes of Heaven, but Avery and Landon always seem to find each other. This time it’s different. Forced to forget the echo of the many lives she’s spent with her soulmate, Avery tries to move forward. With the threat of demon’s on the rise once again, she feels her world and relationships begin to unravel. In order to keep her loved ones safe, she has no choice but to fight the darkness alone. While she falls apart the stir of memories flood Landon’s mind as he remembers where his soul belongs. But, is it worth ruining everything for love?

Grab book 1 and the novella now!

Unending (The Past Lives Series Book 1)

Ianni: A Past Lives Novella


Exclusive Excerpt!

Of course the day I left California it was sunny and beautiful. I left on the perfect day to sit in a beach chair. And where was I headed? Rainy Washington state, the dreariest state in the country, and I was going there to cheer up. It was sort of funny when you thought about it.


I had everything packed and my car filled to the brim when my phone rang. I almost let it go to voicemail, but at the last minute I decided to pick it up.


“This is Avery,” I answered.


“It’s me,” Dallas said quietly. “I heard you’re moving.”


 Just hearing his voice on the line made that hole grow a few more inches.


“I’m not moving. I am only going away for a few months. Who told you?”


 I had my guesses, the best one being Ianni. I knew he would find out anyway, I just didn’t want him calling me on the day I left. It made this move even harder.




“Why am I going away? Really?” He had some nerve to ask me this, but I took a deep breath and composed myself. “I need some time to myself. Nothing more. Nothing less.” There, an honest answer.


“Well, I just called to tell you I got the New York building. I am leaving, too.” He sighed into the phone. “I am sorry that things happened the way they did. I … I wish you luck, Avery.”


As I picked my jaw off the pavement I tried to think of a response. Now thinking back I could think of so many great things to say back. But I only said, “Thanks. Good luck to you, too.” The lamest thing I could think to say. It was something you said to a complete stranger. Not someone you loved.


He hung up and that was it. It was done. I was alone and he was leaving too. He was slipping through my fingers only a few months ago and now he was gone.


I let the tears fall where they wanted as I put May in her dog crate. She was coming with me on my new adventure; I was not about to leave her behind. We were venturing together to see what we could find in the Northwest.


About Christy:

Christy Sloat resides in New Jersey with her husband, two daughters and her Chihuahua, Sophie. Christy has embraced the love of reading and writing since her youth and was inspired by her grandmother’s loving support. She loves adventurous journeys with her friends and can be known to get lost inside a bookstore. She is the bestselling author of fourteen novels including, The Librarian, The Visitors Series, The Past Lives Series and the award-winning Slumber Duology.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon GC, International.


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Montana Match Blog Tour

30 Nov, 2020 by in Uncategorized Leave a comment

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Montana Match

(The Blackwell Sisters #4)

By Carol Ross

Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages

November 1, 2020 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Thanksgiving in Montana

Is about family—and love!

Thanksgiving is the perfect time for Fiona Harrison to turn her life around. And she is sure finding a suitable husband will please her newfound family in Montana. When a dating app sends her every dud in town, handsome bartender Simon Clarke offers to be her matchmaker. If only Simon fit her criteria… Learning the truth about the twinkle-eyed charmer could change everything—but for better or worse?

USA TODAY Bestselling Author


Harlequin Heartwarming put out a clean contemporary romance set in a picturesque small Montana ranch town. I jumped in without reading any of the other books in the series and loved it. Fiona and Simon have a fun chemistry based on him supervising her online date attempts as a bartender. Fiona is trying her hardest to fulfill her father’s future requests to grow up and meet a suitable husband.

The family relationships are solid and meaningful, full of second chances and breaking harmful patterns. It addresses enabling in addiction, divorce, as well as searching for a biological parent. I did struggle a bit with suspension of disbelief in the last chapter and cliffhanger. As far as favorite characters, Luke. Simon’s best friend is a keeper. His banter with Simon over Fiona is fun. Highly recommend for contemp fans! Thanks Prism Book Tours and Harlequin, Carl Ross for a great holiday read.

Content: heavy kissing, drinking.

The Blackwell Sisters

Book 1: Montana Welcome by Melinda Curtis

Book 2: Montana Wishes by Amy Vastine

Book 3: Montana Dreams by Anna J. Stewart

Book 4: Montana Match by Carol Ross

Book 5: Montana Wedding by Cari Lynn Webb

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Harlequin Print | BAMBookBub

IndieBound | Walmart | Apple Books | Google Play | Kobo


Gentleman and the Thief Blog Tour

27 Nov, 2020 by in Uncategorized 1 comment

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Gentleman and the Thief

Proper Romance Victorian

by Sarah M. Eden

Paperback : 368 pages

Publisher : Shadow Mountain

November 3, 2020


A gentleman scribes penny dreadful novels by night and falls in love with a woman who is a music teacher by day—and a thief at night.


From the moment Hollis Darby meets Ana Newport, he’s smitten. Even though he’s from a wealthy, established family and she isn’t, he wishes he could have a life with her by his side. But Hollis has a secret: the deep coffers that have kept his family afloat for generations are bare, so he supports himself by writing penny dreadfuls under a pseudonym. If not for the income from his novels, he would be broke.

Ana Newport also has a secret. Though she once had a place in society thanks to her father’s successful business, bankruptcy and scandal reduced his fortune to nothing more than a crumbling town house. So Ana teaches music during the day, and at night she assumes the identity of the “Phantom Fox.” She breaks into the homes of the wealthy to reclaim trinkets and treasures she feels were unjustly stolen from her family when they were struggling.

When Hollis’s brother needs to hire a music tutor for his daughter, Hollis recommends Ana, giving him a chance to spend time with her. Ana needs the income and is eager for the opportunity to get to know the enigmatic gentleman. What neither of them expects is how difficult it will be to keep their respective secrets from each other.

When a spree of robberies rocks the city, Ana and Hollis join forces to solve the crimes, discovering that working together deepens the affection between them. After all, who better to save the day than a gentleman and a thief?


  • “The real joy in Eden’s follow-up to The Lady and the Highwayman (2019) is the furthering of the overarching crime story and the work of the Dread Penny Society as Hollis and Ana pursue a chaste romance. Eden excels at exploring the realities of Victorian life and class differences. Once again, chapters of penny dreadfuls written by the characters are interspersed throughout, with Hollis’ story about a school for ghosts offering particular delight. Fans of Eden’s smart series will be thrilled and impatient for the next installment.”— Booklist, starred review
  • “Every time I thought my racing heart just couldn’t take the suspense anymore, I’d turn the page and smile.”— Bookconfessions
  • “Eden writes it well, so thoroughly researched that you’re transported and in Victoria England. Great suspense and romance.”— Leslie, Books and Socks Rock
  • “Undeniably clever, suspenseful, well-researched, and deftly written…”— Katie Jackson,
  • “Charming, suggestive, and featuring rich historical details, The Gentleman and the Thief has the elements of a gritty, juicy penny dreadful.”— Foreword Reviews


I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one since I hadn’t read book one in the series. Since I love London, and the author, I jumped right in. It has a Sherlock Homes feel to it–a whodunit with a dash of romance. There are two alternating points of view plus two different penny stories mixed in. I found myself skipping over some of the additional stories mixed in because it was confusing to me to keep track of all the story lines, authors and plots. The main story built up well and kept me turning pages. I enjoyed the concept behind their secret society as well as their motto and the work they do. Cozy mystery meets Robin Hood. Might I suggest reading them in order? I had fun with this book. It is truly unique!

About the Author

Sarah M. Eden is a USA Today best-selling author of witty and charming historical romances, including 2019’s Foreword Reviews INDIE Awards Gold Winner for Romance, The Lady and the Highwayman, and 2020 Holt Medallion finalist, Healing Hearts. She is a two-time “Best of State” Gold Medal winner for fiction and a three-time Whitney Award winner. Combining her obsession with history and her affinity for tender love stories, Sarah loves crafting deep characters and heartfelt romances set against rich historical backdrops. She holds a bachelor’s degree in research and happily spends hours perusing the reference shelves of her local library. 



Join the virtual online blog tour of THE GENTLEMAN AND THE THIEF, Sarah M. Eden’s highly acclaimed second novel in The Dread Penny Society Series, November 2 through November 29, 2020. Forty popular blogs specializing in historical mystery/suspense, historical romance, and inspirational fiction will join in the celebration of its release with exclusive excerpts, spotlights, or reviews of this new Victorian-era novel set in London, England.


Nov 02          Austenprose—A Jane Austen Blog (Review)

Nov 02          The Lit Bitch (Excerpt)

Nov 03          Getting Your Read On (Review)

Nov 03          Literary Time Out (Review)

Nov 03          Storybook Reviews (Review)

Nov 04          Heidi Reads (Review)

Nov 04          Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen (Spotlight)

Nov 05          Library of Clean Reads (Review)

Nov 06          Relz Reviewz (Review)

Nov 07          Probably at the Library (Spotlight)

Nov 08          The Christian Fiction Girl (Review)

Nov 09          So Little Time… (Spotlight)

Nov 09          Captivated Reading (Review)

Nov 10          Among the Reads (Review)

Nov 10          Bookworm Lisa (Review)

Nov 11          For Where Your Treasure Is (Spotlight)

Nov 11          Christian Chick’s Thoughts       (Review)

Nov 12          Books, Teacups & Reviews (Spotlight)

Nov 12          Fiction Aficionado (Review)

Nov 13          Randi Loves 2 Read (Spotlight)

Nov 14          The Book Diva’s Reads (Spotlight)

Nov 15          My Jane Austen Book Club (Excerpt)

Nov 16          Gwendalyn’s Books (Review)

Nov 17          Book Bustle (Review)

Nov 18          Jorie Loves a Story (Review)

Nov 18          An Historian About Town (Review)

Nov 19          Lu’s Reviews (Review)

Nov 20          Reading with Emily (Review)

Nov 20          Books and Socks Rock (Review)

Nov 21          Bringing Up Books (Review)

Nov 21          Bookish Rantings (Review)

Nov 22          The Bibliophile Files (Review)

Nov 23          Impressions in Ink (Review)

Nov 23          A Bookish Way of Life (Review)

Nov 24          Bookfoolery (Review)

Nov 24          Wishful Endings (Excerpt)

Nov 25          Chicks, Rogues and Scandals (Review)

Nov 25          Joy of Reading (Review)

Nov 26          From Pemberley to Milton (Excerpt)

Nov 27          Fire and Ice (Review)

Nov 27          Austenesque Reviews (Review)

Nov 28          Impressions in Ink (Review)

Nov 28          Book Confessions of an Ex-Ballerina (Review)

Nov 29          Laura’s Reviews (Review)


Lucy Shimmers & The Prince of Peace Blog Tour and Giveaway

27 Nov, 2020 by in Uncategorized 3 comments


-Film debuts on Amazon Prime on Black Friday, Nov. 27 and Living Scriptures on Dec. 4- Purchase

Salt Lake City – Writer, Director and Producer Rob Diamond announced today that his new film, LUCY SHIMMERS & THE PRINCE OF PEACE will be released on Amazon Prime on Black Friday, November 27 and then on Living Scriptures on Friday, December 4.

LUCY SHIMMERS & THE PRINCE OF PEACE is Diamond’s 15th feature film and was produced completely in Utah early in 2020. “I can truly say that this is my favorite film I’ve ever made,” said Diamond. “The inspiration for the film came from a dream I had and then the story and the entire production came together absolutely seamlessly.”

LUCY SHIMMERS tells the story of five-year-old Lucy and the incredible influence she has on those around her, especially hardened criminal Edgar. Lucy, with the help of her guardian angel, create miracles that change his heart and inspire a second chance in his life.

The film features mostly local talent, including Shawn Stevens as Grandpa Jackson, Adam Hightower as James Shimmers, and Florencia Stevens as Isabelle Shimmers. In addition, the film stars well-known actor Vincent Vargas (THE MAYANS) and newcomer Scarlett Diamond in the title-role of Lucy.

 Scarlett Diamond just so happens to be the granddaughter of filmmaker Rob Diamond.
“Granted I’m biased, but Scarlett was absolutely incredible. She is only five-years-old and this was her first major speaking role and she proved she’s a natural!” proclaimed Diamond.

In addition to writing, directing and producing, Diamond also operates an acting studio and many of the actors in the film are current and former Diamond students. The film was shot entirely on location in Salt Lake City and Heber, Utah early in 2020. “Our last day of filming was literally the day before Utah shut down in March because of the pandemic,” said Diamond.

For more information on LUCY SHIMMERS & THE PRINCE OF PEACE, visit its IMDB page at:

Movie Trailer


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Isabelle and Alexander

25 Nov, 2020 by in Uncategorized Leave a comment

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Isabelle and Alexander

Isabelle and Alexander

on May 4, 2021
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Buy the BookGoodreads
London, 1850

Isabelle Rackham knows she will not marry for love. Though arranged marriages have fallen out of fashion, hers has been settled for some time to combine the upper-middle-class wealth of her father’s coal mines with Alexander Osgood’s prospering Northern country textile mills. Though not a man prone to romantic gestures, Alexander is well-known as an eligible bachelor. His good looks have turned more than one head, so Isabelle is content to think of herself as Alexander’s wife.

However, her marriage is not what she expected. Northern England is nothing like her home farther west in the lake country. Cold, dreary, and dark, the soot from the textile mills creates a gray hue that seems to cling to everything in the city of Manchester. Alexander is distant and aloof, preferring to spend his time at the mill rather than with her at home. Their few conversations are brief, polite, and lacking any emotion, leaving Isabelle lonely and desperately homesick.

Sensing his wife’s unhappiness, Alexander suggests a trip to his country estate. Isabelle hopes this will be an opportunity to get to know her new husband without the distractions of his business. But the change of scenery doesn’t bring them any closer. While riding together on horses, Alexander is thrown from his and becomes paralyzed. Tragedy or destiny? The help and care that Alexander now needs is Isabelle’s opportunity to forge a connection and create a deep and romantic love where nothing else could.


Victorian Manchester England is an interesting place and time for a novel. I picked this one up expecting something different. The author details the nitty gritty every day life from the point of view of a caretaker. The main character is the wife of a businessman of a spinal injury.

One of the families has an autistic child and Glory’s family is amazing. They let their girl magnify her talents and abilities at home instead of sending her to an asylum. Isabelle and Alexander are thrown into an arranged marriage and it is awkward, slow to unfold knowing each other.

This felt more history and an exploration of medical practices than a romance. The end chapter where Isabelle and Alexander finally click felt like a tidy wrap up, since the rest of the novel their marriage is such a grind.

If you are looking for a light, fluffy escape, probably not for you. I enjoyed the talk of the mill and the elements of caring for one’s workers. The side characters who work there were well described. A completely clean book. Thanks Eidelweiss and Shadow Mountain for the read!

Otherwise Engaged by Joanna Barker

23 Nov, 2020 by in Uncategorized Leave a comment

Otherwise Engaged by Joanna Barker

Otherwise Engaged

on October 12t, 2020
Pages: 266
Format: Paperback
She’s never been afraid of breaking the rules—until she risks breaking her heart

Constantly stifled by the rules of Society, spirited Rebecca Rowley enjoys finding ways to quietly—or not so quietly—rebel. But riding bareback and avoiding nosy neighbors are nothing compared to the thrilling secret she is keeping from her family.

When Rebecca’s quick thinking saves the life of a young girl, she unwittingly attracts the attention of the child’s dashing brother, Lieutenant Nicholas Avery. As that attention turns flirtatious, Rebecca is forced to tell him the truth: she is secretly engaged—to the one man her family would never approve of. Fortunately, Lieutenant Avery is a navy man with no wish to marry, or so they both assume as they enter into a friendship. Rebecca hopes to change her family’s mind about her betrothed, but the more she comes to know the handsome lieutenant, the more she wonders if she promised her hand too hastily.

After all her carefully laid plans are shattered during a family crisis, Rebecca must force her heart to decide. Should she stay true to the promise she made or fight for the future she’s only just begun to imagine?


How have I never read a book by Joanna Barker? Oh my!!! One of the best Regencies I’ve read. Lieutenant Avery is the perfect character in every way. Rebecca is feisty and wild for her tie, even learning to shoot his pistol. Each person in this novel has a wonderfully unique personality. The plot progressed a tad slowly at first with all of the horse, bareback, hedge jumping talk. But, wow. Prepare to be swept away.

I just put all of her books on my wish list. Pick this one up for sure!

About the Author

Joanna Barker was born and raised in northern California. She discovered her love for historical fiction after visiting England as an eleven-year-old, and subsequently read every Jane Austen book she could get her hands on. After graduating with a degree in English, she worked as an acquisitions editor before devoting herself full-time to writing. She enjoys music, chocolate, and reading everything from romance to science fiction. She lives near the mountains and is just a little crazy about her husband and two wild-but-loveable boys.


A Captain for Caroline Gray by Julie Wright

20 Nov, 2020 by in historical fiction, proper romance Leave a comment

A Captain for Caroline Gray by Julie Wrighton March 2, 2021
Pages: 336
Format: ARC
Buy the BookGoodreads
Regency London

Caroline Gray’s third season in London society ends as badly as her first two—no marriage proposal, no suitor, not even a glimmer of an interested prospect. She suspects it’s because she is far too quick to speak her mind to men who are put off by her forthright opinions, her eager intellect backed by a formal education, and her unconventional ideas about the future. She is far more daring than demure to suit the taste of her class. Besides, Caroline thinks there will always be next season to find a husband.

However, her family’s dwindling income leaves Caroline with only one choice to secure her future: a one-way ticket to sail with the Fishing Fleet to India, where the son of a family friend waits. If the match doesn’t work, Caroline cannot return home.

Captain Thomas Scott loves the thrill of the open sea, and as commander of one of the ships of the “Fishing Fleet,” he ferries scores of young English girls to the shores of India to find husbands. The voyages pay well, but he struggles to understand why families would allow young women to be matched with total strangers so far away.

The trips have always been routine and uneventful—until this trip’s first night’s dinner with one Miss Caroline Gray. She engages in a lively political conversation, presenting opposing viewpoints to the conventionally opinionated gentlemen at her table. Captain Scott is secretly amused and delighted at her boldness, not to mention quite drawn to her beauty.

The rest of the passengers are shocked by her behavior and Caroline finds herself an outcast, suffering harsh judgments from the other passengers. However, she finds an unlikely ally in Captain Scott which quickly draws them closer.

Both know an arranged marriage awaits Caroline at the end of their voyage, yet the attraction between them is undeniable. Caroline will have to decide if she will honor her mother’s wishes and marry a man in India whom she has never met—thus securing a future for her and her mother—or be brave enough to throw convention to the wind and commit to love a sea captain. He may be enchanted by her bold and unconventional ways, but will his love and admiration last?


I’ve been on a bit of a Naval Historical novel kick lately. After reading Georgana’s Secret by Arlem Hawks, A Captain for Caroline was perfect. They have similar themes, characters and ship based settings… historical fiction at its finest.

Caroline is off to secure her future. Her choices are being narrowed at the hand of her family and of an Englishman living in India. She’s a bluestocking–outspoken, intelligent. Being fluent in political discussion is all but forbidden for ladies. She’s not afraid to speak her mind. She believes this practice in London’s society circles fails to make her a match and leaves her without girls to call friends. Trying to fit in with the crowd, Caroline loses her feisty spirit. Wright teaches an important message about being true to who you are.

Thomas is a sea captain, in charge of helping many of the ladies of England seeking a husband to India. He’s stubborn and hard headed at times. As a reader, you’ll find yourself wanting to yell at him for his assumptions.

With stops and starts in their relationship, Wright builds a historical romance which teaches about the dangers of gossip, the need to be true to yourself and the value of sincere apologies. The villains of the story could have been a little more well fleshed out, but that’s about all I missed in this book. I so loved being swept away at sea once again. The Proper Romance series by Shadow Mountain continues to put out wonderful books!

Content: clean, mild violence.

About the Author

Julie Wright wrote her first book when she was fifteen. She’s written over twenty novels since then. She is a Whitney Awards winner for best romance with her books Cross My Heart and Lies Jane Austen Told Me, and she is a Crown Heart recipient for the novel The Fortune Café.

She has one husband, three kids, one dog, and a varying amount of fish, frogs, and salamanders (depending on attrition).

She loves writing, reading, hiking, playing with her kids, and watching her husband make dinner.

She hates mayonnaise.


Christmas Day in the Morning: Awakening the Joy of Christmas

19 Nov, 2020 by in Shadow Mountain Leave a comment

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Christmas Day in the Morning: Awakening the Joy of Christmas

Christmas Day in the Morning: Awakening the Joy of Christmas

on October 6, 2020
Pages: 48
Format: Hardcover
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The true joy of Christmas is to love and to awaken love.

"Christmas Day in the Morning is as gorgeous as the day it celebrates. And unlike so many other presents, the real gift isn't the book itself, it's the simple, pure message. If you give anything this year, give love."
--Jason F. Wright, New York Times best-selling author of Christmas Jars

In this adaptation of "Christmas Day in the Morning" Rob looks back on his boyhood and remembers giving an unusual gift of self a gift that filled him with Christmas joy. Now, fifty years later, Rob realizes he can still give a gift from his heart.

The original Pearl S. Buck story, published in Collier s magazine in 1955, concludes with the older Rob writing a letter of gratitude and love to his wife. As he does, Christmas joy is awakened in him once again.

The final pages of this book provide a place for you to write your own letter of gratitude and love a letter that will naturally be included when you give this book to a family member, neighbor, or friend. As you do, you may experience what Rob learned as a boy, and then again as a man: the gifts most likely to rekindle Christmas joy are not just the presents we give with our hands, but the gratitude we express from our hearts.

About the Author

Pearl S. Buck wrote Christmas Day in the Morning in 1955. She was a prolific author and earned a Pulitzer Prize for her novel The Good Earth. The daughter of Christian missionaries, Buck spent most of her life before 1934 in China. Upon her return to the United States in 1935, she became an advocate for women’s rights and racial equality.

David Warner received his PhD in theatre and film from Brigham Young University and has worked with the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra on Temple Square for more than a decade.