Alice in Wonderland Tag Giveaway

PinkCherryMama’s Bio
i am a stay-at-home mom of 3 beautiful kids. i have the most awesome hubby in the whole world and God has blessed me more than i can express! i love to create pretty much anything and everything!
some random facts about me:
i am a stay at home mom of 3; ages 3, 15 and 16. in my “spare time”, i am a youth leader to the teens at our church. our home seams to have a never ending stream of kids coming and going…which we LOVE, but can get exhausting at times!
i love all things vintage! my brain never slows down. i am a never-ending journal keeper and have to keep journals in every room of my house and car, just to keep my ideas from overtaking me! i am hispanic, but i can’t eat spicy things and I am an only child…go figure!?!? i collect african violets, vintage furniture, vintage jewelry, vintage buttons, vintage books, vintage bottles and teenagers… my most favorite fairytales are “alice in wonderland” and “peter pan”. i love marie antoinette’s style…she was so…embellished! i have my cosmetologists license…my hair usually has some shade of pink, blue or purple in it…
i have been creating since i was 4 years old, thanks to my very supportive family and their belief that i am the best at anything and everything i do, even when it is not true 😛 !
I love to travel and, although, i have not traveled much, i had the awesomely rad opportunity to visit russia—while it was still the USSR….one of the best experiences of my life!
my hobbies include baking, cake decorating, scrapbooking, art journals, book making, jewelry making….oh, let’s be honest, if it’s creative, i probably do it, have done it or would like to do it!