Posts Categorized: misty moncur

In All Places by Misty Moncur~ Book Blitz

16 Dec, 2013 by in book blitz, misty moncur Leave a comment


Book Summary

After defeating their enemy at Manti, the Ammonite warriors are free to return home. But for Keturah, returning home means putting her weapons down and leaving the warriors she has come love. She misses Reb’s stupid jokes and even the hard, awful work of being a soldier.

But fighting Lamanites on the battlefield was easy compared to returning to the life of a village girl. She wants to honor her family’s wishes and marry Zeke, but honor will come at a steep price.

Zeke might have won Ket’s loyalty with his blood on the battlefield, but he knows he hasn’t won her heart. He’s tired of trying to make her love him, and for Zeke, loyalty just isn’t enough.

Gideon knows Keturah is practically betrothed to someone else. He thought he was prepared to take her home to Melek and leave her there, but that was before he let himself kiss her in front of the entire village.

Whether Keturah is at home or on the battlefield, there are still battles left to fight—the battles in her heart.

Fall in love with Misty Moncur’s stripling warriors, who come alive against her vivid Ancient American backdrop. An intriguing blend of adventure and romance, In All Places is the unforgettable conclusion to her Daughter of Helaman trilogy.


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Author Q & A

Who are some of you favorite authors?

I really like LuAnne Rice because of the way she writes families. She can portray how people in families both love and hate each other, resent and care for one another. I think relationships can be so complicated, especially close relationships that last over years. I try to emulate her in my own writing.

What is the best book you’ve read recently?

Divergent Series , hands down.

Next Ten Books on Misty’s TBR pile/E-reader

Let’s call it the eReader list. I LOVE being able to carry all my books with me wherever I go. I get kind of panicky without them, lest I should be sitting at the dentist’s office or the long line at the grocery store with nothing to read. J Here are a few of the books I hope I get to soon.

The Bane by Keary Taylor. I read What I Didn’t Say by Taylor and LOVED it, so I’d like to give something else of hers a try.

Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanan- My fifth grader read this at school and he asked me to buy it so he could finish it before the class, and I thought if it’s that good, maybe I should try it! Plus, it sounds really cute.

You Belong With Me  by Shannon Guyman- I know lots of people who like this book, but I haven’t read it yet.

Just Ella by Annette K Larsen- One of the book reviewers whose opinion I really respect said this one was good, so I thought I’d give it a try.

The Reluctant Bachelorette  by Rachael Anderson- Looks totally cute.

Emma: A Latter-day Tale by Rebecca H. Jamison- Rebecca is a writer friend of mine, and I haven’t yet taken the chance to read one of her books. She is such a nice person, and I’m such a jerk for not getting around to this yet.

Love Overdue by Pamela Morsi- I know nothing about this or Morsi, but it sounded really cute on the Netgalley, so I thought I’d try to get to it.

Losing Mars  by Cidney Swanson- I took a chance on Saving Mars by Swanson and really fell in love with Jessamyn. She grows, she learns, all the things I like in a YA novel. Can’t wait to finish up the series.

The Hero by Robyn Carr- Might be part of my secret Robyn Carr addiction…

Full Steam Ahead by Karen Witemeyer- I’ve read all of Witemeyer’s other books, and can’t wait to read this when it comes out. I like Karen’s work because I know I can count on it to be clean, and also, western romances are probably my favorite genre.

Misty Moncur’s Holiday Traditions

One of my favorite holiday traditions is a Thanksgiving one. Instead of having potatoes and turkey gravy, we have mashed potatoes in a bowl with homemade chicken noodle soup over the top. I remember this from all our Thanksgivings with my mom’s family growing up, and now that I’m grown, I’ve taken on making the soup because it is a tradition that I want to carry on. We also have a quirky little birthday tradition. My family always sings a second verse to the Happy Birthday song. Instead of singing, “Happy Birthday to you,” we sing, “’Tis love brings us here.” Every time I hear it at my birthday or someone else’s in my family, I try to remember that the reason everyone is there singing, eating cake, laughing and supporting each other, is because of love.

I prefer the older, family traditions instead of trying to do every new thing you see on the Pinterest or hear about other families doing. I like writing out Christmas cards like my mom used to do as opposed to, say, moving some creepy elf around my house. Making new tradition can be fun, and even necessary when times change, but I think the old traditions that you pass on hold the most meaning.

About the Authorunnamed (2)

Between working and raising a family, Misty fits in writing like other people fit in breathing. Misty writes in the Romance, Young Adult, and Religious genres. She lives in Utah with her husband, her Wii-addicted son, and her curly-haired daughter. They spend a great deal of time laughing and the rest of it eating pizza.

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Fight For You by Misty Moncur Blog Tour, Review and Giveaway

19 Sep, 2013 by in book review, giveaway, misty moncur, ya Leave a comment

Fire and Ice is thrilled to be today’s blog stop for

Fight For You 
A Stripling Warrior Novel, #2 by Misty Moncur 
Kindle Edition, 265 pages Published August 31st 2013 
by Eden Books ASINB00EX0VQTM
Book source: author Age: YA
Genre: Historical fiction, romance
5 stars

Keturah fought her way into the army, but now she’s in Judea building fortifications, and the only thing she’s fought so far is boredom. The work is hard, and the other soldiers don’t think she can pull her weight. Her brothers are becoming strangers, and Zeke’s jealousy is getting worse – because Keturah is falling in love with the wrong warr

But she’s not about to let cruel pranks and hurt feelings keep her from doing what she knows to be right. She completes every order with faithfulness – a hasty retreat from the Lamanite army, a spy mission into the enemy stronghold, a midnight assassination. From burying the dead to whiling away hours on guard duty, Keturah will do whatever it takes to protect her religion, her freedom, her peace, and her family.

But in a camp of two thousand boys, the most important thing she has to protect is her heart.

Fight For You is the second novel in Misty Moncur’s Stripling Warrior series. Fall in love with these romantic novels set against a vivid Book of Mormon backdrop.

Wow. Misty Moncur knows how to write! The second book in her Stripling Warrior Series is unforgettable. I’ve read over the war chapter in the Book of Mormon, I know the stories, but never have I seen them come to life in vivid color with emotions, romance and action. 

Keturah has entered the band of stripling warriors, boys ages 12-18 who are fighting for the liberty of their fathers, children, homes and religion. Kit is is a daughter of Helaman, the only female to join the ranks. And this is no longer training with Gideon in the forest or sparring with her camp…this is the real battlefield and the ravages of war. Amongst the action there are moments of clarity and faith that stirred the Spirit within me and made me so grateful for the fortitude of leaders like Gideon. Men who not only led and loved, but who also knelt in prayer before going out to meet the enemy. They did not doubt their God would deliver them and angels sent to fight beside them.

There are stolen moments of a love that is deepening and blooming like a moon flower.The tension is perfect. Kit has some hard decisions to make. Is she meant to be here? Will the man she loves return the commitment as a husband? And, will Zeke forgive her, can she accept the loyalty and attention of her childhood friend? 

I enjoyed the idea of healers who used herbs and the things of the earth traveling with the army to help. 

Wishing book three, which is due to be released in November were out today so I could keep reading. I’ll be passing the Stripling Warrior series on to my children and family. And, I will never read about the Title of Liberty or Helaman’s army the same again. 

Content: moderate war related violence, kissing 

About the Author: Misty Moncur wanted to be Indiana Jones when she grew up. Instead, she became an author and has her adventures at home. In her jammies. With her imagination. And pens that she keeps running dry.

Misty lives in a marsh near a very salty lake in Utah with her husband and children, where they cuddle up in the evenings and read their Kindles. Well, she does anyway.

Connect with Misty at the links below.

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Like The Stripling Warrior Series
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Purchase books one and two in the series:

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Book Review and Giveaway- Daughter Of Helaman

05 May, 2011 by in misty moncur, utah authors 23 comments

Daughter of Helaman
by Melissa Moncur
Paperback, 208 pages
Expected publication: May 8th 2011
by Bonneville
ISBN 1599554976
5 stars

Nearly a thousand boys are camped in the training ground in Melek, and more arrive each day with their swords strapped to their backs. Some are bold, others are anxious—but all are curious. Is it true, they wonder, that young boys are really forming a militia to assist the Nephite armies?

Keturah hides her secret desire to fight in the stripling army as she watches the boys from the trees. But she believes that if God can protect a boy then He can protect a girl too, and persuades Gideon, a handsome and dark-eyed warrior, to meet her in the woods and teach her to use her weapons. Nearly betrothed to Zeke, she should hardly be spending so much time in the woods with another boy. No one will approve, especially not Zeke, but Keturah has to follow her heart.

By the time Captain Helaman takes command of the striplings, Keturah is armed, she is ready, and she is done watching from the trees.

Adventurous and romantic, the story of the pretty Ammonite girl who felt compelled to fight for the Nephite homeland, learned to follow the Spirit, and fell in love while doing it is both faith inspiring and unforgettable.

Keturah is a strong willed girl who believes she has a heart of a warrior. So when her brothers and closest friend Zeke begin training for war under the leadership of Helaman, she begins training of her own. Hiding away in the forest near the falls, she strengthens herself with a sword, an axe, the cimeter and a bow. The village would say that a young girl of the age to be betrothed has no place wielding a sword. Her mother would have her doing women’s work and staying out of harm’s way. But Keturah is determined she will soon be the only daughter of Helaman to step onto the field as a stripling warrior. She will defend her country and her kin with no regard to what others may say.

Misty Moncur takes a well known scene from the pages of scripture and infuses it with vivid color. This is a story set in the Ancient Americas but made for our time. A tale of faith and courage-of following your heart against all odds. Youth and adults will feel torn as Keturah between Zeke, her childhood friend whom she loves and Gideon, warrior of little words who would challenge Zeke’s hand. I was impressed with the way the author made the story of the armies of Helaman and made it come to life. I am holding out for a book two to answer the unresolved pieces of plot behind Keturah’s heritage, her choice in love, and the action in battle. Daughter of Helaman is a book I would recommend to all readers who enjoy ancient American history, adventure and Book Of Mormon heroes with true courage.

To learn more about the author visit her website at and be sure comment below for your chance to win your own copy of Daughter of Helaman compliments of Misty Moncur. US entries only please. Giveaway ends June 6, 2011. Head on over to Goodreads for a second shot at winning!