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Missionary Possible by Eric Rigby~ Blog Tour

13 Jul, 2015 by in cedar fort, eric rigby, missionary possible Leave a comment

I received this book for free from Cedar Fort in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Missionary Possible by Eric Rigby~ Blog Tour

Missionary: Possible: Preparation Tips from New Testament Heroes

by Eric Rigby
Published by Cedar Fort on July 14, 2015
Genres: Adult, LDS, Non- Fiction
Pages: 144
Format: Paperback
Source: Cedar Fort
Buy the BookGoodreads
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, starts with you and the scriptures. Learn how ordinary people became extraordinary and how their stories can build your testimony and prepare you for serving the Lord. Funny and full of practical ideas you can use, this book is perfect for teens and young adults as it leads them through the scriptures and solidifies their testimonies and preparedness.

Missionary: Possible is a short, easy to read handbook for future missionaries taking scriptural references from the New Testament. Eric Rigby uses a pattern found in Acts to invite readers to come to the Lord and ask “what would ye have me do?” and then to follow to promptings with faith. I enjoyed the stories from the field during his time as a missionary in Bulgaria.

Also, very useful are the note taking lined pages at the end of each chapter where readers can put their thoughts and action items. I learned about the Pentacost, Christ’s life with his apostles and how to be a better missionary.


About the Author

Eric Rigby finished his first book in the second grade. It was called “The Holey Street” and centered on the attempts of each student in his class as they tried to cross a street pockmarked with supernatural sinkholes (none survived). He has made great strides in storytelling since then. He and his wife are the proud parents of two sons and currently live in Utah.

See the full blog tour schedule here.
