I received this book for free from Covenant in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
The Beautiful Balance
by Michelle WilsonPublished by Covenant on August 1, 2016
Genres: Adult, Inspirational, LDS
Pages: 152
Format: Paperback

Source: Covenant
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Is it possible to feel peace when our lives and the world feel out of control? The short answer is yes!
Trying to manage the ups and downs of life can feel overwhelming, but fortunately we're not alone on this journey. With inspiring doctrinal insights and a healthy dose of humor, author Michelle Wilson inspires readers to let go of fear and find peace, even in the midst of lost jobs, health challenges, or everyday chaos at home. In a world that seems so tempestuous, The Beautiful Balance is a sweet reminder of exactly what we can control—ourselves—and what God controls—all the rest.

This book has a perfect messages of letting go and letting God. There is in reality, little we have control over in life save it be ourselves. We are free to act or react in any given situation. Author Michelle Wilson reminds readers that we can’t possible do everything on our own or stay in balance without the Lord’s help, we simply can’t do it alone. Filled with scripture, personal stories and doctrinal insight, consider this a small pocket guide to “gaining personal control and giving the rest to God.” I would recommend reading it in chunks, a chapter a day.

Michelle Wilson writes magical realism and inspirational nonfiction. She is the author of “Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?” and “The Beautiful Balance: Claiming Personal Control and Giving the Rest to God,” along with other fiction and nonfiction works on the way.
She is represented by Marisa Corvisiero of the Corvisiero Literary Agency.
Michelle loves faith, family, food, and smiling. She is an expert at Guitar Hero, has a bad habit of laughing at the wrong times, and hates writing about herself in third person because it’s just weird.
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