“It’s no use going back to yesterday because I was a different person then.” p.352
quoting Alice in Wonderland
After reading “Far From You” by Lisa Schroeder you will want ot re-read Alice in Wonderland.
In the mean time enjoy our favorite Wonderland photos complied in a gallery on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/heatherzahngardner/galleries/72157623199722009/
The Graef Family!
I love Alice In Wonderland!! Thanks for posting all those pictures! I love them all but my favorite would have to be If The Key Fits by pareeerica. LOVE that one! Have you ever seen the movie ALice Through the Looking Glass? Totally creepy but a I can’t stop watching creepy because its a this person is on some major drugs creepy. Random thought sorry. Thanks again for the post of Alice!