Posts Tagged: fan photos

Kerstin Fan of the Week

11 Oct, 2009 by in New Jersey TwiTour Leave a comment

Our fan of the week is Kerstin Z, age 24. We met her at the Twi Tour in New Jersey when she and her friends came to our booth to take photos. Kerstin is originally from Kapfenstein, Austria! Over the past couple of months she has posted fan photos, comments and tweets. She is amazingly supportive and we hope to see her at another event in the US soon! Her favorite books are Harry Potter, and she loves watching Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, and Star Wars.

Fellow Fans and Friends

30 Sep, 2009 by in Heather Gardner Photography, the Black Pumpkin, the Twilighters, twi tour jersey, twicon dallas 1 comment

It’s been fun for us to look through our fellow Twilighty friends’ websites and see our photos. Here are the latest posts featuring members of Fire and Ice.

One of our other very favorite music groups is the Twilighters, featuring Erin Pyne and Fred Mergenthaler. We met them at Twi Tour in New Jersey and then shared lunch and a cab to the airport. What an awesome duo. They opened their Facebook page this week and Mike is featured in a photo I took and sent them. Become a fan and pass it on!

Britten is an administrator at Twilight MOMS, an artist for the Black Pumpkin and one of our very first fans. Not to mention she is just fabulous and fun! Check out her blog and shops online!

Fan of the Week–Bri

23 Sep, 2009 by in fire and ice 1 comment

Brianne is 27 years old and found the Twilight books in May of 2008. She and some other adult Twifans branched off from a more well-known Twifan site and is now a part of Twilight’s Edge Adult Fan Site and also writes Twilight fanfiction on both and under the moniker 1breezybri.

Aside from finding an awesome series and falling in love with the characters, both literary and cinematic, Bri has also formed friendships with other adult fans and she is so grateful to meet other women (and the occasional twiguy) that share her passion for life, love, and all things Twilight.

Fan Photos

18 Sep, 2009 by in New Jersey TwiTour, twicon dallas 1 comment

Fire and Ice send special thanks out to all fans who have posted photos on our Facebook and e-mailed them in. This is for you Amanda, Zerelada, Micha, Suky, Coral, Nicole and Bri! Keep them coming everyone and we will add them in to our slide show!!! Congratulations to Breezi Bri our fan of the week. She tweets us up a storm and keeps us laughing. We love you Bri!