8×10 Photo Print from MightyMarce
MightyMarce is giving away an 8×10 print of your choice from her Flickr Gallery
I have always enjoyed taking pictures and capturing moments. About 2 years ago (late 2007) my hubby and I bought a DSLR in anticipation of our son’s birth, and my interest escalated into a full-fledged hobby. I began obsessively taking pictures of my kiddo, occasionally managing to capture others things around me as well. ; )
My favorite lens is my nifty fifty. It stays on my camera the vast majority of the time. This is partially because I am a huge fan of natural light for photography, and thus use the low light capabilities of that lens often. I’m getting better at using my flash, especially when I am forced to we’ve been very lucky to have INCREDIBLE natural light in our homes, but other places we travel to aren’t so lucky) but I always prefer my natural light shots.
I use Lightroom2 for organizing and editing photos. Sometimes I’ll go for long stretches of time where I don’t have the time/inclination to edit and so will post lots of SOOC pictures. other times I’ll get really creative with Lightroom’s tools (and usually tag the photo with “lightroom” if that’s the case). Maybe one day I’ll get brave enough to try to learn Photoshop, but for right now I’m too cheap and too intimidated to try. ; ) I also mostly shoot in JPEG right now, which serves me well enough. Perhaps one day when I have a faster computer with more space I’ll switch to RAW…
To enter to win an 8×10 photo of your choice: +1 leave your email address below additional entries
+3 Become a fan of her Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/mightymarce-studio/74284988247 or ours at Fire and Ice
+3 Visit her Blog: http://mightymarce.blospot.com/ and comment
+3 follow her and @FireIcePhotos on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mightymarce
+2 Visit our Chile photo gallery and pick your favorite photo http://www.flickr.com/photos/heatherzahngardner/galleries/72157623554104198/
+3 Visit her stream and comment below with your favorite photo http://www.flickr.com/photos/mightymarce
+5 blog about this and leave the link+5 add our button to your blog
+3 entries for each additional dollar donated via Paypal using the yellow “donate” button on right sidebar
Total your entries and leave the total in the comments below
Contest ends March 22nd and is open internationally.