Welcome Our Newest Affiliate

Jennifer of Book Crazy!
She is an awesome person, who leaves comments and keeps up on blogs and books. I adore her layout and design on the page and we are thrilled to be affiliated with her!
About Jennifer:
First off, I am Jennifer, Jenn for short. I am a single mom of two kids. Aubrey, my daughter is 10 – she’s an avid reader and loves to get lost in a good book. She is a really outgoing kinda girl, who has tons of friends, and can basically get along with anyone. Zachary is my son and he’s going to be 6 next month. Zachary is just starting to learn to read, and I hope he loves it, someday – for now, reading is not his “thing.” He’s my shy guy…
I started really getting back into reading about 6 months ago, when I picked up Twilight, the movie had just come out on DVD, I saw it and something made me want to pick up the book and the movie….so I did. I devoured the book, with in 2 days I was finished and had bought all the rest…with in a week they were read! (I stayed up all night at least once to finish, I just could NOT stop.)
Since then, I have been reading non stop, finding I would rather pick up a book than turn on the TV, which is so not like me! 🙂 Before, I started my renewed love for reading, that’s where you found me, any time – even sitting working at the computer…the TV was on…now, I am getting back into music, as well as reading!
Mostly I read YA Fiction. And this blog is to help me remember all the awesome books I have read, find new awesome authors and new friends!
I Love the idea of affiliating and joining forces to share good news. The affiliates we have are incredible! I’ve enjoyed everyone I’ve met. If any of the rest of you out there in blog world are interested let me know!