Posts Categorized: spiffy cool

Vintage Sewing Machine Scrabble Tile

19 Jun, 2010 by in etsy, necklace, spiffy cool, the eternal ones 11 comments

Todays’ ETSY shop giveaway is another seamstress inspired necklace for Haven of “The Eternal Ones” donated by shop owner Spiffy Cool…”Hey there – I thought I would devote a spot on etsy to gather my random cool things. You know, those things you really like, but they kinda don’t fit into the “elegance” of general etsy stuff.

I thoroughly enjoy sarcasm, wit, intelligence, learning, science, and poking fun at all of the above. Hey, if we can’t smile and laugh at the world and ourselves, well, I shudder to think what that would be like.

I also like wearing your heart on your sleeve – what you believe in, what you stand for, what is dear to your heart – I started making pinback buttons for just such occasion. Honestly, you’d be surprised who will randomly start a conversation with you based on a pin or piece of jewelry with a statement. Birds of a feather do tend to flock together. Or was that misery loves company? Suppose that would depend on the statement, eh? :o)

To Enter To Win this tile with chain: leave your name and email address below
+1 for hearting her shop on etsy
+1 for each retweet @FireIcePhotos
+1 for following us on Twitter @FireIcePhotos
+5 for blogging or facebooking this contest
+1 for telling us who you would want to be if you had the chance at a second life

Contest ends July 19, 2010 and is open internationally
