Fire and Ice is pleased to welcome author Nichole Giles on the Descendant Blog Tour. I am particularly excited about this one because I just attended the release party at The King’s English this week and had a chance to see my author photo of Nichole in print! See photos of the event here.
Plus, keep reading to hear why she became and author. We also have an awesome giveaway to offer to those who enter.
Seventeen-year-old Abigail Johnson is Gifted.
Blessed-or cursed-with Sight and Healing, Abby lives an unsettled life, moving from place to place and staying one step ahead of the darkness that hunts her. When she arrives in Jackson, Wyoming, she is desperate to maintain the illusion of normalcy, but she is plagued with visions of past lives mixed with frightening glimpses of her future. Then she meets Kye, a mysterious boy who seems so achingly familiar that Abby is drawn to him like he’s a missing piece of her own soul.
Before Abby can discover the reason for her feelings toward Kye, the darkness catches up to her and she is forced to flee again. But this time she’s not just running. She is fighting back with Kye at her side, and it’s not only Abby’s life at stake.
Fire and Ice: Can you tell us what myths or folklore tied into Descendant?
Nichole: Several years ago, I was in a bookstore, and came across a huge mythology book in the clearance section. It has all these beautiful pictures, and tells detailed, intricate stories to go with them. I bought it, and have used it as a reference book for my fantasy writing ever since. There’s a story in it about a mythological trio of goddesses who had their hands in all kinds of mischief, including love, war, and fertility issues. This trio is known as The Morrigana, and these ladies play a key role in Abby’s story.
Fire and Ice: Do you have a playlist or music you listen to while writing?
Nichole: It depends on the day. Most often, I am more productive in the silence. But there are times when I need music. Usually, it’s to drown out other noise or distractions, and when I do turn on music, I have to be careful to listen to something that will not change the course of the story. For this particular story, I did have a playlist. Most of it was instrumental.
Photo by Heather Zahn Gardner |
Fire and Ice: We understand you’ve published more than one book, how did you decide you wanted to be a writer?
Nichole: Believe it or not, being an author wasn’t a life-long dream for me. I have always loved the arts, and been a creative-type person, but writing a book seemed so out of reach. More difficult than becoming a famous actress—which really was my ambition when I was a teen. And then I got married and had kids, and life took over. After my kids were born, I rediscovered my love of reading. I read a book in which one of the main characters was an author, and he seemed so…normal. And I thought, “Hey, maybe I could do that.” Fast forward a few months, I took an online class, and then I attended a writer’s conference, after which I knew I was hooked for life. I found my direction, started writing, and have never looked back.
Fire and Ice: Who is your literary hero?
Nichole: Katniss Everdeen, Alina Starkov, and . Raine Hightower.
Fire and Ice: If you could travel anywhere to research your book where would you go?
Nichole: If I had a choice, I’d fly to Cancun to research the (still untitled, and not-quite-finished) sequel, because there are scenes set near there. When researching Descendant, obviously, I’d have loved to fly to New York. But, I have another book (unrelated) set in California, and would love to research that one too.
However, if I’m going to get to travel wherever I want to research my books, I will immediately begin planning a story set in Tahiti. And Europe. And Ireland. Yes, all of those. And, uh, on a cruise ship that goes around the world. YES!
Fire and Ice: What advice would you give to someone who wants to publish a book?
Nichole: If you’re going to dive into the publishing industry, there is no talent more important than patience, closely followed by persistence. But aside from those two things, the best advice I can give anyone wanting to be a writer is to read. Read widely and thoroughly. Read everything you can, and learn from those books and those authors. Just read.
Fire and Ice: Most inspiring movie you’ve seen lately?
Nichole: Not long ago, we rented the DVD of Red Dawn. I was surprised at how inspired I was by that movie. I know it’s fiction, but it’s the idea that inspires me. Those kids were just teenagers, but they managed to be such sharp thorns in the sides of some important military operatives that they sparked a complete rebellion. I came away thinking about how the right people doing the right thing at the right time really can make a difference, really can change things. I love that a fiction movie can make me feel that way.
Fire and Ice: What upcoming events and signings do you have?
Nichole: Unfortunately, not a lot right now. On top of my book being released, we are also moving into a new house this month, so I had to keep my signing schedule light. The official launch happened in Salt Lake City, UT on May 4th and was a huge success. I am also presenting at the LDStorymakers conference in UT this weekend (May 9-11), and will be signing books at the Provo Marriott the evening of the 10th. Then I have another signing at Barnes and Noble in Corpus Christi, TX on May 18th at 1:30 PM. For now, these are the only signings I have scheduled, but I hope to add more throughout the summer as I am able to travel.
Fire and Ice: Which character do you feel you most resemble in your book and why?
Nichole: I think I have to go with Abby. Because if I resembled the male love interest—that would be weird, I think. Abby has this empathetic tendency, where she kind of feels like it’s her responsibility to take care of everyone around her, and I have been known *ahem* to be a little like that as well. Also, she moved around a lot as a kid, so I can totally identify with that.
Thanks for the interview! I hope you enjoy Descendant.
Praise for DESCENDANT: “A hot new spin on paranormal, Descendant is refreshingly imaginative and powerful. I can’t decide which was best — piecing together Abby’s sinister past or keeping up with her heartbreaking future. If you like your YA laced with melt-my-heart romance and a good helping of heart-pounding suspense, you’ll love this book!” — Michelle Davidson Argyle, author of The Breakaway
“Nichole Giles has crafted a story that breathes from the pages. Her characters are authentic, the action intense, with powerful emotions that will keep Descendant on your mind long after the book ends. Open your eyes to another facet of our world in Descendant and you’ll be sucked into an adventure with Abby and Kye, that will explore the power of gifts, courage, and love. With top-notch writing, Giles has crafted a story that breathes from the pages.” –Rachelle J. Christensen, award-winning author of Wrong Number and Caller ID
“Nichole Giles brings a fresh new voice and flawless writing technique to the world of Young Adult fiction. I was swept away to another place and never wanted to come back.” –Tristi Pinkston, author of Turning Pages and the Secret Sisters mystery series
“This debut novel delivers in all the right ways, with heart-pounding action and a delicious romance that sweeps centuries. I loved it!” –Elana Johnson, author of Possession and Surrender
About Nichole Giles: Nichole Giles was born in Nevada, and moved with her parents to a number of cities in and around the West. Writing is her passion, but she also loves to spend time with her husband and four children, travel to tropical and exotic destinations, drive in the rain with the convertible top down, and play music at full volume so she can sing along.
Nichole is sponsoring a massive giveaway during the blog tour of DESCENDANT! To enter, fill out the form below.