Why I Don’t Hide My Freckles Anymore Blog Tour and Review
I received this book for free from Deseret Book in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Why I Don't Hide My Freckles Anymore
by LaNae Valentine, Lisa Tensmeyer HansenPublished by Deseret Book on December 1, 2013
Genres: Adult, LDS, Non- Fiction
Pages: 160
Format: Paperback

Source: Deseret Book
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The concept of beauty, and the definition of it, seem to always be caught between endless battles of opinion. If you were asked to define beauty, how would you describe it?
In this book, “Why I Don’t Hide My Freckles Anymore,” readers experience an understanding of beauty and their relationship with it in a clear, elevating way.
The essays in this uplifting compilation come in every shape and size, but each one reaches toward a similar conclusion: beauty is truth. And the truth is that everything God created is beautiful, your body included – freckles and all!
Women and girls lift their voices declaring that we are beautiful daughters of God, not defined by the world’s standards in this compilation of short essays. Each one infuses and empowers as it explores where true beauty comes from–within.
I love books like this that offer so many points of view from women and writers in all different stages of their lives. We would be wise to read a chapter a day, or to share this book with our daughters and friends. Especially good thoughts with summer approaching, swimsuit season and the many women who hide in shame. There is no shame. Your body is a temple. It is a gift!
Reflection and writing allow us to see ourselves and others more truthfully, more compassionately. Our personal experiences challenge the illusion of culture. We begin to see how unfulfilling and shallow the messages are. We sense a newfound strength and power to stand up to false standards of self-worth ad refuse to allow ourselves to be merchandise in the marketing of beauty. Real beauty isn’t merely decorative; its primary function is to connect–to our innermost beings to one another and to the world around us. Real beauty does not divide or diminish us–it opens and inspires us. It is not only possible but natural to live peacefully in our body, to be comfortable in our own skin, for each of us to love our bodies and find ourselves beautiful.” – LeNae Valentine, editor.