I personally won’t be at BEA this year due to a brand newborn baby boy and the recent passing of my mother. However, my reviewer Margie ( AKA: Bumble Girl) will be there representing Fire and Ice. These are the books I would wait in line for if I were with her. Click on the book title to learn more about each one. And for those of you at BEA, have fun. Miss you!
I’ll see everyone else at ALA Anaheim in a few weeks.
The Raven Boys (Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
Finale (Hush, Hush #4)
Rift (Nightshade Prequel #1)
Fathomless (Fairytale Retellings #3)
by Marie Lu
The Girl in the Clockwork Collar (Steampunk Chronicles, #2)
I’d stand in line for Finale, need to see what happens with Nora and Patch! 🙂 Great list, lots of pretty covers!
Me too. Can NOT Wait. Love Patch!
I had no idea you had someone on the scene. Sweet! Those books look delicious.
Yes! We are so excited 🙂 I miss being there this year but Margie is all over it.