Movements of Water Photo Giveaway

28 Jun, 2010 by in etsy, Nichole Gelinas, paranormalcy 9 comments

TodaysEtsy giveaway is the Movements of Water photography print by Nicole Gelinas in celebration of main hottie Lend in the book Paranormalcy by Kiersten White!

Introducing the artist: Thanks for stopping into my little shop. I am an artist, designer, photographer, and crafter. I enjoy many different creative processes and I am so excited to be able to share my work with everyone.I love to be creative! I just recently graduated from Northwest College of Art, in Poulsbo WA, with a BFA in visual communication double majoring in fine art and graphic design. I am now pursuing my passion to create!

To Enter to Win Her Fine Art Photo: Leave your name and email address below:

+1 for hearting her shop on etsy
+1 for becoming a fan on facebook
+1 for visiting one of her sites and commenting
+1 for retweeting this contest @FireIcePhotos
+5 for posting the giveaway on your blog, leave the link
Contest ends July 28, 2010 Good Luck!!

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