FizzMonster Pink Lollipop Necklace

06 Apr, 2010 by in etsy, plush 24 comments

Today’s sweet giveaway is from Etsy shop Fizz Monster =)
We’re a couple from England and we’ve been selling for just over 5 months now, but we’ve been making for a very very long time!
We adore everything handmade and want to expand our stock as much as possible.

We’ll be selling handmade jewellery and cute plushes. We believe our stuff is fun, colourful and playful and we hope you love it as much as we do =D

To Enter To win: leave your name and favorite sweet treat below
additional entries
+3 for each dollar donated to the Chile earthquake relief fund at
via PayPal
+2 Visit their website and comment: on your favorite item
+2 Become their friend on Myspace:
+2 check our page at Eternal Conflict Music and pick your favorite song
+3 Become a fan of FizzMonster on Facebook:!/pages/Fizz-Monster/167171316865?ref=ts and Fire and Ice
+3 Follow them on Twitter: and @FireIcePhotos, leave your username below
+2 Follow their Blog: and ours, leave your username below

Contest ends May 6, 2010
and is open Internationally Good Luck!

24 Responses to “FizzMonster Pink Lollipop Necklace”

  1. Liz


    My favorite sweet is definitey lollypops! How I love them!

    +2 Visit their website and comment: on your favorite item
    I dont know how to comment, but my favorite item is: Tiny Silver Guitar Earrings! I love guitar!

    +2 check our page at Eternal Conflict Music and pick your favorite song
    haha! My favorite song is Carlisle’s song xD
    so funny!

    +3 Become a fan of FizzMonster on Facebook:!/pages/Fizz-Monster/167171316865?ref=ts and Fire and Ice
    Yes! (ELizabeth Ramirez mendoza ON FB)

    +3 Follow them on Twitter: and @FireIcePhotos
    yes @lizzyrm

    +2 Follow their Blog: and ours
    yes ! username: Liz

    Total: +12

    Elizabeth Ramirez

  2. fisiwoman

    Enter me please!
    Ana Belén R.M (+1)

    +2 Visit their website and comment: My favorite item is: Sweet tooth bracelet
    +2 check our page at Eternal Conflict Music and pick your favorite song: My favorite song is Rosalie!
    +3 Become a fan of FizzMonster on Facebook: I’m a fan and also following Fire and Ice (Ana Belén R M)
    +3 Following them on Twitter (@fisiwoman) and @FireIcePhotos
    +2 Following their Blog (fisiwoman)

    Total entries: +13

  3. Risyaa♥

    Hii! ENTER ME pls~~
    I’m Risya
    My Email: Risya271(at)yahoo(dot)com

    Mandatory Entry: (+1)
    *my favorite sweet treats would definetely be Ice Cream. super yummy & you can’t say NO to them^^ my favorite flavor is the rum& raisins~

    Additional Entries:
    +2 visited their website & I really like the (– USERIMAGES/FOUR.JPG) so cutee^^
    +2 my fav song from Eternal Conflict Music @ Myspace is definetely “Alice”, such happy song^^
    +3 a facebook fan of FizzMonster and Fire and Ice (username: นางสาว Risya)
    +3 followed FizzMonster twitter and FireIcePhotos twitter aswell (
    +2 I’m your followers^^ and FizzMonster Blog followers (username: Risyaa♥)

    Total Entries= +13

    I really hope I’ll win~
    Crossing my fingers now^^

  4. Sharli

    :O I love it!!!

    +2 Fav. Item: I love the Rainbow Music Themed Bracelet!
    +2 check our page at Eternal Conflict Music and pick your favorite song
    +3 Follow both @Entre_Libros
    +2 Follow their Blog

    Total = 9
    Thank you!
    entrelibros_blog at hotmail dot com

  5. ladymishel


    +2my favorite item is Swirly Candy Earrings its so cute! =)


    +3following fizzmonster on twitter

    twitter ID: michelleame

  6. Jennifer

    ‘im a follower

    name: Jennifer
    fave sweet treat: chocolate with toffee fillings!

    +2: i like the Blue dinosaur necklace!

    +3 a fan of FizzMonster on Facebook and Fire and Ice, facebook name: Jennifer Hui

    +3 followed on twitter (both FireIcePhotos and FizzMonster), name is: barbiepinknails

    +2 Follower of both blogs via google friend connect:
    name: Jennifer
    email: tryme.imtoxic (at) gmail (dott) com

  7. Y

    +1 commenting! Y Shum, Chunkyxmunki(@)gmail(dot)com

    +2 fave song is Carlisle’s song!

    total: 3 entries

  8. bianca_riot

    +1 Commenting, bianca F,
    Fav sweet- starburst lollies.
    +3 Fan on facebook
    +3 Follow on twitter- @bianca_riot
    +2 Follow you on blog- bianca_riot

    9 entries.
    thankyou 🙂

  9. kisieltruskawkowy

    +1 Joanna asia19-9[at] I love all kind of chocolate!
    +2 I follow you (kisieltruskawkowy)
    +2 I love Raining cloud! necklace!

    5 entries 🙂

  10. Rena

    Mandatory Entry:

    +1 Rena shimmering_stardust22(at)yahoo(dot)com

    Extra Entries:

    +2 I’m following this blog and fizz monster’s blog!
    +2 LOL I really like the “remember to brush your teeth” necklace! Super cute!


    <33 Rena

  11. Amanda31Gifts

    My favorite sweet treat is Strawberry Ice Cream! Please enter me in your great giveaway 🙂 Thanks! Amanda

    amanda31gifts (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. Surge

    Name & favorite treat: Surge, and I looove frozen yogurt.

    +2 My favorite item of theirs is the purple and white swirly ring

    +3 I twitter follow you both as timesurge

    contact email is tsgiveaways(at)

  13. Eko0724

    Oh so cute! I love ice cream & sour punch kids! LOL Amy Willingham

    +3 for each dollar donated to the Chile earthquake relief fund ($1=+3)
    +2 Visit their website and comment (I dont understand how to comment but my fav is: Mario Necklace & Earring Set )
    +3 Become a fan of FizzMonster on Facebook (Amy W)
    3 Follow them on Twitter & U (@eko0724)
    +2 Follow their Blog (Yes Amy W)
    Total: 13


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