Teaser Tuesday-Impossible by Nancy Werlin

02 Mar, 2010 by in nancy werlin, penguin teens, speak 3 comments

This is a weekly book meme hosted by Miz B. of Should Be Reading.

This is how it works:
Grab a book that you are currently reading
Turn to any page and grab two teaser sentences from that page
Make sure it’s not a spoiler in case anyone wants to read the book
Include the author and name of the book

“Lucy directed her gaze accross the street, to Miranda’s abandoned shopping cart that stood next to Mrs. Angelakis’s front steps.
“She stripped the ruined camellia off her wrist and tossed it to the ground”.” p.62
Book: Impossible by Nancy Werlin, a National Book Award Finalist

3 Responses to “Teaser Tuesday-Impossible by Nancy Werlin”

  1. Book Crazy Jenn

    OHH great Teaser, I really enjoyed this book I hope you do as well! 🙂

  2. Bere

    Awesome teaser! I really liked reading this!
    I hope you are enjoying it as well!
    Happy reading =)

  3. The Graef Family!

    I haven’t read this one yet but the cover is beautiful! I should go and check out what its about.


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