Author Interview With Maggie Fechner

I noticed you are also a photographer (YAY) What hobbies take up your “free time”? Yes, I am a portrait photographer with a small business, specializing in family photography. (I saw you are too!). Between writing and photography I spend way too much time on the computer. However, in the summer our family really enjoys boating. My husband wake boards and I spend the whole summer attempting to get up on the board. (Athleticism never was my strong suit).
There are several references to other books in Growing Up Gracie, tell us about those. Yes. Gracie loves to read. Some of her favorites were some of mine. I remember my fifth grade teacher reading us aloud Where the Red Fern Grows and I was so engrossed in it. Also, we both loved Pride and Prejudice.
What would the playlist for Growing Up Gracie Look like?
Okay, this is my favorite interview question ever (and coming from a former reporter, that’s quite a compliment!) Gracie’s playlist would definitely be heavy on the Chris LeDoux and Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Probably a lot of Garth Brooks. Not so much the newer country, but the fun older stuff. She would also have a little Cotton-Eyed Joe or something fun and dancey to rock out with Liza and Chelsea to on those long lonely Wyoming highways.
Any other books in the works?
Yes! The Letters Never Sent is a mainstream (non-LDS, but still very clean :)) historical fiction novel. It’s about the journey toward finding home and a sense of self for several women in the Cameron family. I have just completed a rough draft and am beginning revisions.
Also I have hopes to create a Fremont Family series with the next book focusing on one of Gracie’s sisters, Danielle.
photo taken from Maggie’s author blog
Tell us why you chose Cody, Wyoming for the setting? How is is similar to places you have lived? I grew up in Cody. And although I’ve been away for the past 12 years, I often still refer to it as home. It was a wonderful place to grow up and I love the small town feel. I love the beautiful mountains and the proximity to Yellowstone Park. Cody has a unique country atmosphere as it has been coined the “Rodeo Capitol of the World” and is the only place in the world with a rodeo every night of the summer. Although my real life hasn’t taken me back there, my writing seems to take me back again and again.
What was your favorite chapter to write and why?
Hmmm… That’s a tough one. I think my two favorite parts are both at the end–one is with Gracie’s best friends and another is with her true love–but I wouldn’t want to spoil anything 🙂
Are there lessons from Growing Up Gracie you hope others will take away?
Absolutely. Especially teenage girls who are feeling average. I would hope they would take away that God makes each person amazing in their own unique ways and by following their hearts they can live extraordinary lives.
What has been the most rewarding moment of your career so far?
The funnest moment of my writing career was as a reporter when I went skydiving to write a story about a local skydiving club. The most rewarding moment of my writing career so far was when I was contacted by Cedar Fort Publishing and heard the words, we want to offer you a contract for your novel.
Thank you so much for the interview! Visit Maggie’s website at
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