Posts Tagged: gracekuhn

Russian Doll Resin Ring Giveaway

13 Mar, 2010 by in matryoska doll 19 comments

Is this not the cutest thing oyu have ever seen??? Nesting doll sparkly resin ring by Etsy seller GraceKuhn. My name is Emma. I am a Graphic Designer that also loves Blythe Dolls, resin, illustration, and Ceramics =].

Gert a senak peek of her site: COMING SOON!

To enter to win a ring…leave your name and email address below:
additional entries
+3 Go to her shop and heart your favorite ring
+3 for each dollar donated to Chile (every single little bit helps)
+2 follow her on twitter @P4P3RCL1P5
Contest ends April 13, 2010 and is open internationally