The Hollows #1
by Amanda Hocking
E-book; 308 pages
Publication Date: October 5, 2010
Publisher: Createspace
ASIN: B00466H8JK
Book Source: Amazon
3 stars
Summary From Amazon: “This is the way the world ends – not with a bang or a whimper, but with zombies breaking down the back door.”
Nineteen-year-old Remy King is on a mission to get across the wasteland left of America, and nothing will stand in her way – not violent marauders, a spoiled rock star, or an army of flesh-eating zombies.
Danielle’s Review: Bestselling author, Amanda Hocking, took the self-publishing world by storm when she began pulling in millions of dollars from her paranormal young adult ebooks. Her success made ebooks an even more respectable business and a lucrative one. I was excited to have the opportunity to read HOLLOWLAND, the first in an apocalyptic series.
Remy King bursts forth out of a zombie compromised quarantine unit in the very first pages. With a few friends in tow, she must make her way across the zombie wasteland of what’s left of the United States in order to find her brother who’s been carted off by the government for study. Her adventures through ghost towns and cult compounds are dark, graphic and gory. Besides the interesting addition of a Vegas show lion to aid her in zombie killing, the majority of the action is the repetitive and descriptive slaughter of decomposing, flesh eating monsters.
Remy is amazingly deft at annihilating the walking dead, and her heart is rock hard. She is a strong, centered character, but at times I felt sad at the celebration of her heroic status. Not only was her stamina amazing, but the young girl could walk away from dying friends, kill vigilantes without blinking and push away any feelings of true love. Her only human quality seems to be her devotion for her brother who is immune to the contagious zombie virus.
There is no question that Ms. Hocking is a talented, unique storyteller. The action never stops, but at the same time, neither does the blood and gut letting. At times I actually felt nauseous, but the story, much like a train wreck, has an irresistible draw that lured me back to reading even after I had to put it down.
Being the first in the series and with an open, unresolved ending, most readers will be anxious to pick up the next zombie fest in the series. Although it was a crazy ride, I’m going to have to pass. I enjoyed the quirky talent of this runaway bestselling author, but HOLLOWLAND felt a little sold out for my taste; going for shock value over what could have been true literary genius. I do look forward to picking up another one of Ms. Hocking’s books, but I’ll have to pass on the zombie brains.
Content: This novel contains graphic violence, strong profanity and young adult sexuality. Not recommended for young readers. (Not recommend for old readers with weak stomachs.)
About the Author: Amanda Hocking is a lifelong Minnesotan obsessed with John Hughes and Jim Henson. In between making collages and drinking too much Red Bull, she writes young adult urban fantasy and paranormal romance.
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