Posts Tagged: Blackmoore

Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson- Shadow Mountain Blog Tour and Review

10 Sep, 2013 by in proper romance, review, Shadow Mountain 2 comments

Fire and Ice is today’s stop on the official blog tour for Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson hosted by Shadow Mountain.

by Julianne Donaldson
276 pages
Published September 9, 2013
by Shadow Mountain
Genre:  Regency Romance
Book Brand: A Proper Romance
Book Source: Publisher
5 stars

 Kate Worthington knows she can never have her heart’s desire and so believes she will never marry. But Kate’s meddlesome mother has other plans. Kate journeys to the stately manor of Blackmoore on the cliffs above the seashore, where she must face the truth and the man that has kept her heart captive.

Set in northern England, Blackmoore is a Regency romance that tells the story of a young woman struggling to learn to follow her heart. With hints of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters, Blackmoore is a page-turning tale of romance, intrigue and devotion.

Review: An absolutely stunning second novel by Julianne Donaldson. This book is a treasure that will remain forever on my shelves and be shared through generations. Julianne has taken Jane Austen’s style and period and crafted a novel that is poetic, deep, haunting and classically romantic.  I re-read Blackmoore in preparation for my post, and those who know me well will know that I have only read a handful of books twice through. I think I can honestly say it was better the second time than the first. There is just so much to be discovered and unfurled. There are so many levels of symbolism, sentiment and character development that one could safely read and re read Blackmooore over and over again.

Kate Worthington is a voice we can all relate to, a women on a quest to discover who she really is and how to escape her cultural traps. She feels misunderstood and misplaced within her family of ill behaved women. When a series of revelations about her mother and her childhood friend Henry lead her on a path of change, she decides it is time to lock up her heart for good. Her deepest desire is to visit Blackmoore, the summer estate of Henry’s family and to make a trip to India with her Aunt Charlotte. Her dreams are almost dashed when she rejects the unwelcome arrangements of her mother, but Kate has a plan…one that just might break the heart of her admirer and break the chains of her entrapment.

The Gothic tone and mysterious setting of the moors next to the sea make this a wonderful Fall or rainy day read. Written in Kate’s first person point of view with flashbacks from the past, the story line moves swiftly and I admit I read it all in one day. It is amazingly well written and I will recommend it to all my friends. Thanks to Julianne for helping me out of a reading funk and for keeping me on the road of Regency Romance with clean content.

Highlight with your cursor to reveal parental content information in the next sentence. Content: Clean language, no sex or swearing. Hinting of extramarital affairs, one mention of skinny dipping and swim shorts being “swung low on the hips.

About The Author: Julianne Donaldson grew up as the daughter of a U.S. Air Force fighter pilot. She learned how to ski in the Italian Alps, visited East Berlin before the wall came down, and spent three years living next to a 500-year-old castle. After earning a degree in English, she turned her attention to writing about distant times and places. She lives in Utah with her husband and four children.

Learn more on Facebook/ Twitter/ Deseret Book

Join us tonight for the launch part of Blackmoore at 7 PM at The King’s English in Salt Lake City! Julianne has promised Regency Era Dress and some fun surprises.

Shadow Mountain is offering special pricing on Blackmoore at $7.99 in Kindle form and $1.99 for Edenbrooke, Julianne’s first book!

You really do not want to miss these prices or the books. Click the images to purchase…