Posts Tagged: abra ebner

LadyBird LadyBird Trailer Release and Giveaway

09 Sep, 2011 by in book trailer Leave a comment

Today we received the newly released book trailer for…

Ladybird, Ladybird
by Abra Ebner
Hardcover, 225 pages
Published June 1st 2011

by Crimson Oak Publishing

Samantha was born on a full moon to a mother already dead. Revived by doctors and given to her unloving father, Samantha was raised a cursed child, her only friend the ghost of her mother who speaks to her through keys that open a secret box Sam hides under her bed.

From the inside out, Sam burns with life, a fire so vivid it keeps her peers at a distance, all except one. Leith, a quiet farm boy with a broken heart and demons of his own, enjoys the seclusion his classmates grant him, but the seclusion is all too familiar to Sam, drawing her interest.

For the first time in their lives, fate pushes them together, but when their worlds collide…fires burn.

Ladybird, Ladybird’s target market is Young Adult ages 13 and up. The setting for this book is rural, country America, a part of our nation that has changed little in the last fifty years, and a place the author, Abra Ebner, calls home. The country feel of this book melds well with late summer/harvest reads going into the fall holidays. Ladybird is a Paranormal/Ghost Romance with turbulent, yet poetic undertones. It will be released in Hardcover in September and E-Book this week (Nook, Kindle, iBooks). Hardcover Books will be available at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and independant retailers, and are currently available for pre-order.

The Giveaway: As part of the Book Trailer and E-Book Release, they will be giving away five $50 American Express gift cards. Please provide your contact information to be entered in the giveaway. To be eligible for an additional entry, please re-tweet our contest phrase from your Twitter account.

Please remember to enter the name of our blog. (Fire and Ice) You may enter this contest twice by filling out the form and also re-tweeting our contest phrase. So head on over and fill out the form and be sure to tell them we sent you. They will be accepting entries until Friday, September 23rd at 11:59 PM Pacific time. Good Luck!