Mom’s Monday- What Are You Thinking

Written by Valerie Ackley
Illustrated by Lori Nawyn
Hardcover, 30 pages
Published August 2nd 2010
by Brigham Distributing
4 stars
Synopsis from website…”This fully illustrated book introduces children to the Law of Attraction. Fun characters and humorous situations show the power of the mind, and the importance of wisely selecting our dominant thoughts. Though created for children, adults and teens also enjoy the cleverly illustrated message of this book. “What are You Thinking” is a reminder to believe in your dreams, to have confidence in your ideas, and to always carry with you an attitude of gratitude. This 36 page, full-color book is the perfect choice for a unique and inspiring gift for those you love.”
What Are You Thinking reminded me a lot of a set of books my family read when I was a child called “Power Tales.” It’s an uplifting motivational read for pre-schoolers and grade school readers. Valerie Ackley’s message to young children is that their thoughts lead to mood, which in turn leads to action. Children learn the ideas they foster in their mind are the power to ignite their future and can influence those around them. Each page is bright and colorful with visually stimulating patterns and illustrations. We found it sensory stimulating and my children particularly enjoyed finding the bright green frog hopping throughout the story. What are You Thinking will hold interest and teach small ones that they possess the key to the future inside their minds. It is an Award Winning Finalist in the Children’s ‘Mind/Body/Spirit’ category of the National Best Books 2009 Awards, sponsored by USA Book News
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