The Matchup by Laura L Walker~ Blog Tour

The Matchup
by Laura Walker
Published by Cedar Fort
January 12, 2016
240 pagesThe last thing Valerie wants or needs is to work for Gage, whom she loathed as a teen. But Valerie’s husband just walked out on her and she needs the job. Together they discover that when it comes to the Church and each other, it’s all about second chances. This sweet LDS romance will renew your faith in love and redemption.
As a mother of children on the autism spectrum, I appreciate the amount of every day detail author Laura Walker puts into her latest book The Matchup. She lays out for readers how difficult every day interactions like birthday parties, church and school can be for special needs children. She talks about the diagnosis, the treatment, the PECS charts, school meetings and the hope for a better future. For me, personally, the other bits of the story line and the romance took a back seat to how main character Valerie handled her son. This clean piece of fiction brings awareness to motherhood, single parenthood and the reality of blended families. There is a lot of religious discussion and the conflict is mostly intrinsic. I would have liked to have seen more external conflict and more tension, as well as a bit more fleshing out of the male character Gage. This is a great pick for fans of clean, LDS fiction with a happy ending.
About the Author
Laura Walker is a native Arizonan. Having lived there all their lives, she and her husband, Rob, think it’s a great place to raise their six kids. They enjoy camping, reading, and learning history together. Laura loves to settle in with a good romance just as much as she loves to write one. She would love to have you visit her here for updates and more.
Blog Tour Schedule
January 12: Making Life a Bliss Complete • Write, Writing, Written • Ashley Blogs
January 13: I Am a Reader • The Things I Love Most
January 14: Alec Marie
January 15: Bookworm Lisa • My Book a Day
January 16: Randy Lindsay • We Like to Learn as We Go
January 17: ReadBetweenTheBindings
January 18: Katie’s Clean Book Collection
January 19: Mel’s Shelves • Emmy Mom
January 20: Robyn Echols • Fire and Ice
January 21: Getting Your Read On
January 22: Singing Librarian Books • Brooklyn Berry Designs
January 23: Wishful Endings • Inklings and Notions
January 24: Books R Us • Jorie Loves a Story
January 25: Fearless Creative Mammas • Rockin’ Book Reviews
January 28: Aubrey Zaruba