Sisters—and dreams—are unique in their ability to inspire, encourage and change the world. For 150 years, Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women has motivated women of all ages to dream together and celebrate family. Coming to theaters for the first time, a modern retelling of LITTLE WOMEN brings a new generation together with their mothers, sisters and friends.
From girls playing in the attic to women living with purpose, the March sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy—are committed to always supporting each other. Yet, growing up sometimes means growing apart. An aspiring writer, Jo leaves for New York determined to publish a novel. In the wake of rejected draft upon draft, her editor challenges Jo to write about something more interesting—her family. When tragedy brings the sisters back home, sticking together takes on new meaning. As Jo comforts her sick sister, Beth asks for one thing: a story. Jo knows the perfect one … by heart.

Campaign focus: theatrical release
Genre: drama
Rating: PG-13
Release date: 9/28/18
Studio: Pinnacle Peak
Talent: Lea Thompson (BACK TO THE FUTURE), Sarah Davenport, Lucas Grabeel (HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL), Ian Bohen, Bart Johnson (HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL)
This movie made me feel all the feels! Haven’t cried over a show in a long time. The March sisters have a beautiful bond as homeschooled sisters with their father away in the military. They must navigate popularity, disappointments, sickness and coming of age. The beginning was a bit slow, but once the sisters began interacting with their neighbor Laurie, things picked up. He and Jo have a wonderful friendship. I love how everyone looks out for each other. Beth teaches the value in being a grounded and loving sister. Meg navigates the popular, rebellious teen scene before she settles on her future. Raw emotion and plenty of drama with Jo. So many life lessons all rolled up into a message about the importance of family, friendship and following your own unique life path.
Content: It is rated PG-13 for a reason. I would pre-screen Little Women before sitting down as a family to watch. Parental info: underage drinking, mild blood, heavy kissing scene.
Website/Trailer: https://www.littlewomenthemovie.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/littlewomenfilm
Twitter: @littlewomenfilm