HAPPY EASTER! Enjoy this free album today…
HE ROSE ABOVE is a collection of music centered around the Savior. Several artists, songwriters and musicians donated their time and talents to contribute to the 10-song compilation album, which features new, original songs as well as new arrangements of classic hymns.
“I felt very inspired on the anniversary of my little sister’s passing (March 23rd), and felt strongly that I needed to put this album together. A lot of really great people pitched in to help make it all possible,” says eleven17 founder Brandon Metcalf. “She continues to influence and inspire from the other side of the veil. Working on sacred and uplifting music is when I feel closest to her.”
City of Enoch – He Rose Above
Cardin Lopez – Sun Will Rise
Mersi Stone – Wonderful Merciful Savior
City of Enoch – He Hears Me
Lucy Scholl – I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Tim & Lainy Gates – In the Garden
Anne Buckle – Find Love
Jessica Frech – All Glory Be To Christ
Truman Brothers – I Feel My Savior’s Love
City of Enoch – Bountiful
The album is available via Bandcamp at the link below. It’s available for free download, or listeners can elect to donate utilizing a “name your price” purchase option. It is also available via iTunes.
Bandcamp: goo.gl/silZ8z
iTunes: goo.gl/xUX8Dj
eleven17 is the non-profit music venture launched by music producer Brandon Metcalf, inspired by his little sister Shalane (11/17/88 – 3/23/07). Its mission is simple: create and release music that will uplift, inspire and bring people closer to God. While Metcalf and many of the eleven17 collaborators are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), eleven17 hopes to inspire people of all faiths and to promote harmony and common ground between them.