Title: The Last Private Eye Michael Rhineheart, P.I
Author: John Birkett
Series:Micheal Rhineheart P.I.
Publication Date:December 30, 2014Nasty horseplay at the Derby lands Rhineheart in a race against time to stop a murderous scheme …
Michael Rhineheart is a Louisville private eye with a taste for bourbon and a nose for trouble. He’s as tough and savvy as they come. His sleuthing secretary, Sally McGraw, is desperate to learn the ropes. Their pal Farnsworth is a crusty old pro who hasn’t lost his touch.
Together this hardboiled trio sets out to solve a mysterious disappearance at the racetrack. Soon they are galloping onto a trail of lust, greed, and murder … and enough dirty deeds to turn Kentucky’s bluegrass red with shame.
Buy Links for The Last Private Eye
Amazon / Barnes and Noble /HarperCollins
Title: The Queen’s Mare Michael Rhineheart, P.I
Author: John Birkett
Genre: Thriller
Series: Micheal Rhineheart P.I.
Publication Date:December 30, 2014All bets are off when it comes to kidnap, mayhem, and murder …
When the “Grand Dame of Kentucky Racing” enlists private eye Michael Rhineheart to deliver the ransom for a kidnapped broodmare and her foal, Rhineheart thinks it will be a speedy transaction.
But what should have been a simple mission turns into a deadly double-cross, and soon Rhineheart is on the hunt for the horses … and a ruthless killer.
Fans of Dick Francis will love Birkett’s hardboiled gumshoe and his Kentucky bluegrass flavor.
Buy Links for The Queen’s Mare
Amazon /Barnes and Noble /HarperCollins
About the Author
JOHN BIRKETT is the author of The Queen’s Mare and The Last Private Eye, both to be released by Witness. He is a winner of the Shamus Award, given by the Private Eye Writers of America.
Witness Impulse / Witness Suspense Thriller Book Club
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Gale McCarron
These look like interesting reads. I usually read non-fiction, but once in awhile go for the fantasy/non-fiction. Thanks!
Judy Thomas
These books look great.Always extra interest when animals are included in the book 🙂 Thanks for the reviews.
denise smith
these series sound good my kids would like these