Enjoy These Fabulous Finds from Fire and Ice.
Prices good day of post. Click on cover to go to download.
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Prices good day of post. Click on cover to go to download.
As an Amazon Affiliate the site gets a small profit from purchases made form these links.
Tizzy Potts
Thanks for this, I just downloaded Witch Song, looking forward to reading it. Loving your new blog layout!
Thanks so much! I love it too :”)
Braine Talk Supe
Thanks for putting this up, I’m grabbing a few 🙂
Braine Talk Supe recently posted…Pack Review: Tangled Threads by Jennifer Estep w/She-Wolf Reads
You are welcome! Gotta love new ebooks!
Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings
Thanks for sharing these! There are some good deals here!
Tressa @ Tressa’s Wishful Endings recently posted…Blog Tour: Witch Fall by Amber Argyle
You’re welcome Tressa 🙂