My Top 15 YA, Middle Grade and Adult Book Picks from BEA 2013 + Giveaway

07 Jun, 2013 by in giveaway, middle grade, sarah m eden, Shadow Mountain, ya 11 comments

Okay all, I will readily admit vlogging is not my forte. However, I today to offer Fire and Ice readers a peek at my top 15 YA, MG and Adult titles from Book Expo America 2013.
There is a giveaway of BEA books and swag at the end of today’s video as well as yesterday’s Part I posted on out sister site Little Red Reads.
Open to US only, giveaways end June 21, 2013.

11 Responses to “My Top 15 YA, Middle Grade and Adult Book Picks from BEA 2013 + Giveaway”

  1. Taffy

    INK and DUNE sound intriguing. Oh! And BOY ON THE BRIDGE. I’m so jealous you got to go.

  2. Marie

    I am really excited for UNITED WE SPY by Ally Carter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Cathy

    I would love to read the new Sara Eden one. Already read Confessions of a Cereal Mother and that one was hilarious! I’m wishing I had gone to BEA too!

  4. Dana

    I am dying to read Ink it looks so good!These Broken Stars looks amazing as well!

  5. Tressa S

    I am SO jealous that you already read Longing For Home. I have that one and Sarah’s other book that was just released on pre-order (Blackmoore too by Julianne Donaldson). Doon is also pre-ordered. My blogger friend Jen Ryland from YA Romantics picked up the same GG6 partial ARC and had Ally sign it and then surprised me with it. Love Ally too! I also love the cover for These Broken Stars. I haven’t heard of the other Adult titles you shared. It is so hard to know what will be clean – you should put up a list one of these days for that genre. The rest sound really good.

    Doon and Longing For Home are definitely top of my list, but most of the books you showed are on my tbr. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway! I’m off to check out your BEA part 1. 🙂

    Tressa @ Tressa’s Wishful Endings

  6. Lizzy

    I’m torn between picking Doon and These Broken Stars! I hadn’t heard of Doon before, but it’s definitely going on my to-read list 🙂

  7. Jill the OWL

    These Broken Stars looks good and I also like the idea of the new series by Ann M. Martin. Neat concept! Jealous about the Allie Carter autograph!!!

    themgowl at gmail dot com

  8. Cee L

    Great books! I’m really excited about Roomies and These Broken Stars!

    Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!



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