21 Principles: Divine Truths to Help you Live by the Spirit
by Richard G Scott
Hardcover, 105 pages
Published 2013
by Deseret Book
ISBN 1609075269
Book Source: publisher
5 stars
Product Description from Deseret Book.com:
“As you seek spiritual knowledge, search for principles,” counsels Elder Richard G. Scott. “Principles are concentrated truth, packaged for application to a wide variety of circumstances.”
In this exciting book, Elder Scott offers 21 principles distilled from his life experiences. These “concentrated truths” will help you understand more fully how to be guided by the Spirit. Elder Scott’s brief explanations open the way for your own discovery and exploration.
Review: Richard G. Scott shares the most important truths he was learned in life in his newest title 21 Truths. each chapter outlines a principle to ponder and adopt. As an artist who often feels the pull of being creative juxtaposed with doing the same things over and over again, I truly appreciated Principle 3
“Repeatedly I have been impressed to learn that to reach a goal never before attained, one must do things never before done.”
Elder Scott talks about how on a visit to a close friend he was fascinated with his ability to create beauty using brushes, watercolor and paint, and had the impression “Try it.” He did just that, and the cover of his book is a print of one of his watercolor paintings. When I noticed the signature on the dust jacket I felt uplifted and encouraged to go out on a limb.
This book is power packed with sound advice and the way to apply it in our lives. If applied with prayer and perseverance these principles will set your life on the right course. I would recommend it for a Father’s Day gift! Thanks so much to Deseret Book for inviting us to be on the blog tour today.
About the Author: Elder Richard G. Scott, was called as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in October 1988. He had served in the First Quorum of the Seventy since 1977 and was a member of the presidency of that quorum for five years. He holds a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and completed post-graduate work in nuclear engineering. Prior to his call as a General Authority, he worked on the staff of Admiral Hyman Rickover developing military and private nuclear power reactors. Elder Scott and his wife, Jeanene Watkins Scott (deceased), are the parents of seven children.
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