Fire and Ice is participating in it’s first ever Bloggiesta!! What is Bloggiesta you ask? Here’s how Danielle at There’s a Book describes it on her starting line post…
“Bloggiesta is co-hosted by Danielle at There’s a Book and Suey from It’s All About Books. Originally created nearly four years ago by Natasha of Maw Books, we want to make sure to give her a huge thank you for starting such a fantastic event! An event that bloggers everywhere look forward to twice a year.
Remember, the level of commitment during Bloggiesta is up to you. We’d love for you to find lots of time to devote to blogging with us during those three days, but if you have just one day that you can join us, or even just a few hours of one day, please do not hesitate to sign up.”
If you decide to participate in the Fall 2012 edition you can expect:
•to spend time that weekend (as much or as little as your schedule allows) working on your blog
•to create a to do list to share on your blog and link up with other participants
•to hopefully participant in several mini challenges and learn something new
•to connect with other participants through blog hopping or twitter
•to make new blogging friends!
•to come away at the end of the three days with a spiffed up blog!
Here’s my To Do List at Fire and Ice
schedule some author spotlight posts
email and clear up giveaway winners -
start updating my review archives -
find a blog site designer I like (anyone out there have one they love?)
clean out my physical bookshelves (I smell some giveaways!)
email some review links to publishers -
figure out what the heck is up with my drop down menu ( someone try it…does it work? is it hard to read?) -
visit new blogs and start a blog roll
update calender with local book events (all you Utah peeps what is coming up that I can’t miss?)
figure out how to back up the blog. (anyone…Bueller, Bueller?)
So here’s where I ask you my regular blog readers, what would you like us to change? I can add it to my list.
Jenni Elyse
Great goals! Good luck!
1. Your menus work just fine. The only thing that makes the hard to see if the font.
2. Lois Lowry is coming to Provo Library on October 10 at 7pm. Provo Library patrons can get tickets starting tomorrow. I’ll have an extra one if you want one.
Heather Zahn Gardner
Thanks so much Jenni! I can’t get my own drop down menu to work on my computer LOL. I’m having a hard time with the newborn making it down to Provo events. I miss all of you!
Jessica @ Books: A true story
Your drop down menus work fine. The font is small so it’s kind of hard to read. Lori from pure imagination does a bunch of designs for book bloggers. Good luck with the rest of your list!
Heather Zahn Gardner
Thank you!