25 fabulous book blogs have each chipped in money towards the purchase of a Kindle Fire, we even had enough money left over to offer the winner a $50 amazon gift card to purchase ebooks.
From April 6th to 22nd you can enter to win! One winner will receive a brand new Kindle Fire plus a $50 Amazon.com Gift Card to purchase content for their new Kindle Fire.
Kindle Fire Giveaway brought to you by:
Ereading on the Cheap
Good Choice Reading
Once Upon a Twilight
Bookish Babe
Hippies Beauty & Books
Bookhounds/Bookhounds YA
Reading Lark
Stuck in Books
Reading Teen
Bookworm Lisa
Fire & Ice
Uniquely Moi Books
Lady Readerstuff
Rex Robot
Books That Tug the Heart
The Mod Podge Bookshelf
Truly Bookish
The Book Pixie
Better Read Than Dead
Refracted Light
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All entries must be done through the rafflecopter form. This giveaway is paid for and sponsored by the 25 participating blogs and is not associated with or sponsored by Facebook, Twitter or Amazon. Giveaway runs from 12:01 AM EST on April 6, 2012 until 12:01 AM April 23, 2012.